Children of Japan

Children of Japan
Courtesy, R. John Wright

Hinges and Hearts

Hinges and Hearts
An Exhibit of our Metal Dolls

Tuxedo and Bangles

Tuxedo and Bangles

A History of Metal Dolls

A History of Metal Dolls
Now on and In Print! The First Book of its Kind

Alice, Commemorative Edition

Alice, Commemorative Edition
Courtesy, R. John Wright


Emma, aka, La Contessa Bathory

Emma, aka, La Contessa Bathory
Her Grace wishes us all a Merry Christmas!



Emma Emmeline

Emma Emmeline
Our New Addition/fond of stuffed toys

Cloth Clown

Cloth Clown

Native American Art

Native American Art

the triplets

the triplets

c. 1969 Greek Plastic Mini Baby

c. 1969 Greek Plastic Mini Baby
Bought Athens on the street

Iron Maiden; Middle Ages

Iron Maiden; Middle Ages

Sand Baby Swirls!

Sand Baby Swirls!
By Glenda Rolle, courtesy, the Artist

Glenda's Logo

Glenda's Logo
Also, a link to her site

Sand Baby Castaway

Sand Baby Castaway
By Glenda Rolle, Courtesy the Artist

A French Friend

A French Friend


From our friends at The Fennimore Museum

2000+ year old Roman Rag Doll

2000+ year old Roman Rag Doll
British Museum, Child's Tomb

Ancient Egypt Paddle Doll

Ancient Egypt Paddle Doll
Among first "Toys?"


Egyptian Tomb Doll 18th Dynasty

Ann Parker Doll of Anne Boleyn

Ann Parker Doll of Anne Boleyn

Popular Posts

Tin Head Brother and Sister, a Recent Purchase

Tin Head Brother and Sister, a Recent Purchase
Courtesy, Antique Daughter

Judge Peep

Judge Peep

Hakata Doll Artist at Work

Hakata Doll Artist at Work
From the Museum Collection

Japanese Costume Barbies

Japanese Costume Barbies
Samurai Ken


A Little Girl

Happy Heart Day

Happy Heart Day

From "Dolls"

From "Dolls"
A Favorite Doll Book

Popular Posts

Jenny Wren

Jenny Wren
Ultimate Doll Restorer

Our Friends at The Fennimore Doll and Toy Museum

Our Friends at The Fennimore Doll and Toy Museum

Baby Boo 1960s

Baby Boo 1960s
Reclaimed and Restored as a childhood Sabrina the Witch with Meow Meow

Dr. E's on Display with sign

Dr. E's on Display with sign

Dolls Restored ad New to the Museum

Dolls Restored ad New to the Museum
L to R: K*R /celluloid head, all bisque Artist Googly, 14 in. vinyl inuit sixties, early celluloid Skookum type.

Two More Rescued Dolls

Two More Rescued Dolls
Late Sixties Vinyl: L to R: Probably Horseman, all vinyl, jointed. New wig. R: Effanbee, probably Muffy, mid sixties. New wig and new clothing on both. About 12 inches high.

Restored Italian Baby Doll

Restored Italian Baby Doll
One of Dr. E's Rescued Residents

Dolls on Display

Dolls on Display
L to R: Nutcrackers, Danish Troll, HItty and her book, Patent Washable, Mechanical Minstrel, Creche figure, M. Alexander Swiss. Center is a German mechanical bear on the piano. Background is a bisque German costume doll.

A Few Friends

A Few Friends
These dolls are Old German and Nutcrackers from Dr. E's Museum. They are on loan to another local museum for the holidays.

Vintage Collage

Vintage Collage
Public Domain Art

The Merry Wanderer

The Merry Wanderer
Courtesy R. John Wright, The Hummel Collection

The Fennimore Doll Museum

The Fennimore Doll Museum


A Haunted Doll with a Story

Halloween Dolls Displayed in a Local Library

Halloween Dolls Displayed in a Local Library

The Cody Jumeau

The Cody Jumeau
Long-faced or Jumeau Triste

German Princesses

German Princesses
GAHC 2005

A Little PowerRanger

A Little PowerRanger
Halloween 2004

The Island of the Dolls

The Island of the Dolls
Shrine to Dolls in Mexico

Based on the Nutshell Series of Death

Based on the Nutshell Series of Death
Doll House murder

Popular Posts

Total Pageviews


A lovely dress

A lovely dress

Raggedy Ann

Raggedy Ann
A few friends in cloth!

Fennimore Doll and Toy Museum, WI

Fennimore Doll and Toy Museum, WI
Pixar Animator's Collection

Little PM sisters

Little PM sisters
Recent eBay finds

Dressed Mexican Fleas

Dressed Mexican Fleas

Really old Dolls!

Really old Dolls!

Saturday, December 21, 2013

Dr. E's Doll Museum Blog: PowerPoint

Dr. E's Doll Museum Blog: PowerPoint: Below is my PowerPoint on Metal Dolls: C:\Users\Milani\Desktop\With Love From Tin Lizzie.ppt


Below is my PowerPoint on Metal Dolls: C:\Users\Milani\Desktop\With Love From Tin Lizzie.ppt

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Steiff Animals

I was watching Antiques Roadshow from San Diego tonight, and SD is known for having doll collections, museums, and collectors. Eleanor St. George often spoke of famous collections of the 1950s from this area. Marshal Martin was featuring Steiff animals, including a reissue of the famous felt elephant that started it all. He mentioned an original would cost around $2500. I had read no originals of the little elephant existed, but perhaps we only don't have public knowledge that it exists. To paraphrase Carl Fox of The Doll, we don't know what lurks in the private collectors' cabinets around the world. YouTube is givingus an idea, but his point is well taken. Mr. Martin also showed some Steiff cats, with the grey resissue which could have been our dear, late Emma as a kitten, and a smaller original golden version done in velvet. The velvet original is valued at $500, while the grey kitten reissue, about 7 years old, holds its original value of $150 but has not increased. The same was true of the reissue of the elephant, which was reissued for Steiff's 125th anniversary at $150. Experience tells me, as well as trip through eBay, that "deliberate collectibles" and reissues hold their value, or are worth their purchase price, but often, not more. Then again, I note that in our area, antique dolls, while pricey, many "high end," have not increased in value much either. We are not known for our doll auctions in our Midwestern community, though we do have auctions of various types, including some involving dolls. Steiff bears seem to be the pricey tickets, especially vintage ones, but I love the other animals and the dolls as well. I looked for years for a good set of Hedgehogs, and I am very fond of my minis, the bunnies, chicks, mice, teddies, and one 9 in Lobster. I have found Steiff animals for ten cents, minus button, at yard sales, and a lovely Afghan hound for fifty cents. I've seen dog at other sales for $95.00, a fair price though a lot for a garage sale, but the seller removed it before I could ask about it. Bargains are still out there. I also bought a newer Steiff panda, about 12 in, for 5.00, and a letter, framed, by Marguerite Steiff herself for around 25.00 at an estate sale. Teddies and stuffed animals are especially beloved this time of year, and Steiff animals and toys are no exception.

Monday, December 2, 2013

Miss Charlotte Bronte meets Miss Barbara Pym: Barbara Pym Doll by Debbie Ritter

Miss Charlotte Bronte meets Miss Barbara Pym: Barbara Pym Doll by Debbie Ritter: From our friend Debbie Ritter of Uneek Doll Designs comes this wonderful portrait doll of Barbara Pym. We love her creations, and own seve...

A Story about Dr. E's on her Work Newsletter

See below, written by Annetta Miller, a freelance writer who also wrote for Newsweek wrote a very nice feature about us: When Dr. Ellen Tsagaris was a child in Greece, her mother presented her with a rubber yellow bunny doll that squeaked. “I liked it very much,” she recalled. Two Greek dolls dressed in national costumes followed that present. “By then, I was hooked. I remember saying, ‘I’m going to collect dolls.’” And collect she did. Today, some 50 years later, Ellen is not only the chair of multiple academic departments, but also one of the nation’s foremost collectors of and authorities on antique dolls. “When I was young, I loved portrait painting and I was interested in photography, costumes, and textiles, too,” she said. “I found that doll collecting encompassed all those interests. I’ve always loved having dolls, collecting dolls and reading about dolls.” Wooden dolls, porcelain dolls, dolls made of china and wax, Ellen has them all. And this year, she authored the first definitive book on dolls made from metal. Entitled With Love from Tin Lizzie, A History of Metal Heads, Metal Dolls, Mechanical Dolls, and Automatons, the book addresses the way dolls reflect cultures and civilizations, and how they have given rise to an international “doll economy.” Reviewers have described the book as an “academic text, a photo album, and book of memories all in one.” Ellen’s dolls hail from 50 U.S. states and most of the countries in Europe, Asia and South America. Her family–world travelers–have continued to bring Ellen antique dolls, folk dolls, costume dolls and souvenir dolls from all parts of the globe. One of her favorites is her ‘Vogue Baby Dear,” the type of doll that Communist Party Secretary Nikita Khrushchev took back to his grandchildren in Russia after his iconic “shoe-banging” speech to the United Nations in 1960. She received a Japanese Ningyo doll made of papier mache and covered in white oyster shell enamel when her Uncle Tom visited Japan as a U.S. Serviceman in the Korean War. At Knott’s Berry Farm in California, her father presented her with a strawberry blonde doll designed by celebrated ballet dancer and artist Suzanne Gibson. When she’s not collecting dolls, Ellen is something of an academic renaissance woman. She holds a law degree, a doctorate in Modern British Literature, a Master’s Degree in English, and a Bachelor’s Degree in English and Spanish. She is a member of the Phi Beta Kappa honorary society. A member of the Kaplan family for 15 years, Ellen chairs three academic departments, including Legal Studies/Paralegal Studies, Public Safety, and Humanities/Composition. Her interest in dolls has dovetailed seamlessly with her academic interests. She has researched and written about dolls in literature and about Anne Rice, who was an avid doll collector. Ellen’s next frontier: When she retires, she hopes to establish a non-profit doll museum similar to the one Rice established at the former St. Elizabeth’s orphanage in New Orleans. The museum will tell the story of human history through dolls, dollhouses, and related objects.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Memoir; Writing your Life Story: Message from the River

From another of my blogs; a story that exhibits a true collector's spirit!  There is also a doll colleciton of dolls pulled from the River on the Living Lands and Waters Barge:

Memoir; Writing your Life Story: Message from the River: See below; here is a true collector's spirit; how Chad Pegracke started a Message in the Bottle collection from what he gleaned from t...

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

This Just In!! X Marque's the Spot!!

See below from F. Theriault's discription of an A. Marque doll about to do on auction; starting bid is $150,000.00: "Item Description: 22" (56 cm.) Bisque socket head with highly-artistic sculpting achieved by a unique four-part mold used only for this doll, heart-shaped face with elongated slender throat, pronounced definition of facial planes especially temple, cheeks and chin line, softly-rounded nose tip, blue glass paperweight eyes with spiral threading and darker blue outer rims, thick dark eyeliner, painted dark curly lashes, brush-stroked and feathered brows, accented eye corners, shaded nostrils, closed mouth with petulantly-shaped outlined lips, well-modeled pierced ears, blonde mohair softly-curled wig, original uniquely modeled body with elongated tapered-shape torso, wide hips, undefined waist, composition upper arms, bisque lower arms with bisque attached-ball-joints at the elbows, separately sculpted fingers, wide upper thighs, elongated lower legs with shapely calves, elongated narrow feet. Condition: generally excellent, left baby finger cleanly reglued at base. Marks: A. Marque (incised signature) 23 (inscribed number on head) Comments: France, circa 1916, the artistic doll was sculpted by the esteemed French artist, Albert Marque, for an exclusive exhibition that was to be presented by Parisian art patron, Margaine-Lacroix in her fashion boutique. The body was exclusively designed for this art doll by Aristodeme Botta who aimed to create a child's body for a doll that "combined the strength and grace typical of that age". It is believed that only 100 models of the Marque doll were created, most inscribed with their particular number in the series, this being #23. Value Points: outstanding beauty of this particular model, with exceptionally fine sculpting detail allowing full expression of the artist's design, very choice delicate bisque and subtle painting, original custom body, and wearing antique silk dress, and lace bonnet that may be original, and muslin chemise and black shoes imprinted with full figure of a doll and "10" that are original. "

Monday, November 11, 2013

Veterans; We Thank You

Today is Veterans Day in the US, and we at the museum thank those who have served and sacrificed for us, including members of our own family. We also thank those who continue to serve all over the world. We fly our flags proudly for you today. This day has been special to me because my mother and I would take the day and have lunch, go shopping, be together. One year, we found an antique show at our mall, and bought a small Bru head with other doll parts, for about $7.50. I was in High School, the same one where she taught. Sometimes, we had long weekends together on trips. I always loved the cool, crisp air, the tree branches veined against the sky. Those days are long gone. We were at the Midwest Modern Language Association this weekend, where I gave a paper for Children’s Literature on Hugo. I will post it here. We toured and took many photos at The Milwaukee Public Museum, haven for those who love dolls, from the detailed European Village, with dolls of each country in each model home, to the antiquities, African masks, Ashanti dolls, and other statutes, to the various miniature dioramas, etc. I will post photos soon of these marvels. I also stopped at two antique malls, very well stocked, and rich in advertising dolls and memorabilia in South Beloit. We were lucky enough to tour the Angel Museum in Beloit, which was a peaceful, inspirational place. The Oprah Winfrey donation of some 600 angels is on display, along with about 10,000 others. They have special doll collectors days, too. I donated a copy of With Love from Tin Lizzie in memory of my Mom. Finally, I went to the local doll show, where I sold some books, but also gave a couple as gifts. I saw an Autoperipatetikos in my friend's booth, as well as some great brown haired chinas. I was able to buy some deaccessioned dolls from a museum in Chicago, including a family of African American southern pecan dolls, and some vintage cloth from Panama and elsewhere, and a lovely brown French bisque. Keep watching; photos will be posted soon.

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Guides and Prices: an Experiment

PS: We would ilke an Edison phonograph, doll, and Vaucanson's duck, too, and The Harpsichord Player and Zula the Snake Charmer. :) I was rereading one of Pat Smith's excellent price guides on dolls, from the 80s, but with a timeless introduction. Ironcially, her books on modern dolls made them true collectibles, but also spawned price increases and frenzies over some types of modern dolls no one wanted for many years, including old Barbies, Ginnies, Betsey MCalls, hard plastics, certain Alexanders. PS always said in big letters, her prices were GUIDES, determined then by auction prices, condition, scarcity, collector's desire for the doll, etc. In other words, we, the collectors and dealers set the prices. Great; as Adam Smith may have said, let the market bear what it will. Let's buy and trade and have a decent business. My stamp collector friends have knownt his theorem for years. PS also commented on the skyrocketing prices of dolls at this time, wich coincided with CPK insanity. She stressed selling a doll for top dollar should be a rare occurence, as few dolls were woth top dollar. Same was true for buying at top dollar, which if one were cotemplating resale, one could never do. Then, there was the beanie craze,the collector Barbie craze, etc., and G. Mandeville cautioned with other authors not to "speculate" in the doll market. The seconary market was born and thrived, and even parodied re beanies on Third Rock From the Sun. Then, of course, there is Blythe. Now, we use eBay to gauge prices, as well as auctions, and prices fluctuat widely. I've seen it happening with Living Dead Dolls and other dolls. I saw the "Mona Lisa" Bru listed one year for $18,000, and the same year, in another guide, for $5,000, same condition. Many authors stress that their books are just guides, including R. Lane Herron, Denise Van Patton, Patsy Moyer, Linda Edward, and others. So, here comes my experiment. I am posting a rescued vinyl baby for our museum for sale, tongue in cheek, of course, for $1million US dollars. I've just created the market; the dolls is hard to find, a foreing vinyl, quickly becoming ephemeral in this throw away world. Any takers? Happy Dolling and Happy Thanksgiving to all!

Our Wishlist and some thoughts on Jimi Hendrix

As long as the big man in the red suit is coming soon, we will continue our museum wishlist. Wishes are, after all free, and sometimes, they make it so. My top wish is for new glasses and for the handles of my current classes to be soldered so I can actually see. Again, Mea Maxima Culpa for the typos. I am wearing "driving" glasses but have to remove them for all else. I watched the end of American Masters on Jimi Hendrix, and was struck by his well-spoken talk on music, i.e, harmonics, and his passion. He wasn't waht we thought. I was very little when he died, and he died, and lived again, as a myth. The real man was a pleasure to know, and his passion for music shows what passion and love for something good will do for anyone. It doesn't matter if it is dolls, literature, music, teaching, whatever, as Barbara Pym says, the key is to have "something to love." Rest in peace, Jimi, you've inspired a whole new generation of fans. So, our doll wishlist continues: 1. The Whistling Bru that belonged to a girl the Nazis shot as a spy. She is mentioned and pictured, the doll, that is, in Helen Young's, The Complete Book of Doll Collecting, 1967. 2. Bru Bebe Gourmand and Bebe Teteur 3. An A.T., though we cherish Karin Rosenthaler's local artist reproductions, which starred in the local Festival of Trees 4. A Rouchard head 5. A Waxwork by Madame Tussaud; any retired figure will do, though the "dolls made" through own life to document her growth would be fantastic. 6. A Jointed, ancient, Ivory roman doll, or another Roman rag doll, if extant, and ever available. 7. We have a mini iron maiden; we would like more, and a life sized one as well for our Horror Gallery of spooky dolls 8. The pregnatn doctors lady 9. The witch made of angel hair, like the one in the Wisconsin Dells Ripleys 10. Living Dead Dolls Lizzie Borden 11. Barbie OOAK dolls, or other OOAK dolls 12. The elusive Hanging Mary mechancial toy 13. A china head with sleep eyes, a china head with glass eys and double rows of teeth, formerly in Laura Trewkow collection 14. A catalog of Dorothy Dixon's collection, sold at auction, and one of Maureen Popp's collection sold at auction 15. A doll that belonged to Lenon Hoyte, or photos of Aunt Len's doll museum 16. A Leo Moss original [we have a tiny replica] 17. Any type of Marque or Marque contemporary photos or accessories 18. Antique Greek dolls 19. Antique French bisques or other dolls dressed as Joan of Arc 20. Montanari or Pierotti dolls or figures 11. An anatomical waxwork as featured in Morbid Anatomy blog 12. All bisque dolls, tiny, round a maypole, some with molded blindfolds 13. A replica of Ann Sharp's baby house 14. Rumer Godden's Japanese Doll House and the house from Home is the Sailor, infact, the entire family of her A Dolls House, Home is the Sailor, and A Dolls House 15. Mrs. McAllister's life sized Dick, Jane, and two Sallies, wherever they may be 16. The mail order Titanci Doll, c. 1996 17. We have the dress, but the Truly Scrumptious Doll 18. Twiggy 19. Vinyl dolls made by Sophia Loren's doll company, c. 1975. 20. Princess Christina dolls sold at Bullocks', 1970 21. The SFBJ dolls representing Princess Elizabeth and Margaret Rose with wardrobe 22. The French wax devotiona child featured in Mary Hillier's Dolls and Dollmakers 23. The Scottish shoe doll 24. The zinc bodied Rohmer 25. Thec compelte petite princess doll house with family, Ideal, and the frog house in Flor Gill Jacobs' small Doll Hosues, and the Doll Shop from Mott's Miniatures. Also, the old Mouse Edding vignette and huanted room from The Cranny, now closed, a Joseph Cornell box with dolls, Enough; we could go on and on and on.......

Monday, November 4, 2013

Our Wishlist as we close for 2013

The Museum, like her sister museums, has a wish list of exhibits and acquisitions. We will be adding to ours as we go, but here are some of our wishes. We also hope for peace in 2014, for happiness, grace, and good health for our families, and for our family of viewers and followers. We love you and are thankful for all of you and you comments. We are nearly 50,000 strong. Wishlist; we also welcome doll parts, vintage and antique, wax dolls, dolls in all conditions, even the hopeles. We tell the story of dolls from the sublime to the ridiculous. 1. The Metal or Pewter Head Huret 2. Another Huret in any condition, or any Huret items or memorabilia 3. The Huret Book 4. Book series The Collector's Voice 5. The book, On Dolls 6. Luella Hart's publicatons 7. Laurie Partridge doll 8. The Birds Barbie 9. Hugo Man of 1000 Faces 10. The 2013 Barbies 11. A Mason and Taylor Doll 12. A Bunraku puppet 13. Bru Bebe Teteur 14. Bru Bebe Gourmand 15. An early Qheen Anne or Georgian doll 16. Another felt Lenci, any character 17. Hawaiian Shirley Temple 18. The Patti Playpal Family 19. Ideal Tammy Fashions 20. 1979-80 Alien Monster 21. Living Dead Dolls Frozen Charlotte 22. Harriet Hubbard Ayres 23. Dressed Mexican Fleas 24. Kimport Dolls 25. Miss Bolin's Dolls 26. I. Walker doll and Memorabilia 27. A French Fashion Trousseau 28. The Great Man's Doll 29. Anne Rice's Bru 30. Japanese Girl Days Festival

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Halloween and Other Musings

It is Halloween; A Happy One to All, and a Blessed New Year/Samhain to our Wiccan Friends. The Celts are my favorite people, and they have some awesome ritual figures in bronze and stone, including sculptures of Epona. For those who want to read, I recommend the works of Morgan Llewellyn, especially The Horse Goddess, Anne Rice's early Vampire Chronicles, Parke Godwin, and nonfiction on the Celts by Nora Chadwick, Jean Markale, Antonia Fraser and Joy Chant [The Warrior Queens and The High Kings]. The Sci/Fi fantasy of Evangeline Walton [The Island of the Mighty Series], Patricia Keneally Morrison [yes, Jim's widow], and Julian May also satisfy. For myth and legend, there is Bullfinch’s Mythology and my article in a 1987 National Doll World, "The Golden Girls; Modern Celtic Ladies." Halloween is always elegiac for me. My best memories are of carving pumpkins with my Dad, my mom making awesome costumes; a Greek Gypsy when I was 5, a fantastic Raggedy Ann outfit, a Pioneer Girl, a witch, a vampire, my Flamenco outfit, this one bought in Madrid. She was hard to top. We always had the tradition of decorating our picture window, and I had a headless Anne Boleyn cutout done when I was 9 or 10, and dozens of haunted graveyard drawings with Henry's hapless victims looking for their heads. I loved my plastic Jack O' Lantern pails, and my Aunt Connie would send awesome goody boxes with candies and Halloween dolls. My little figural candles were all parading around the house; we had amazing ones on display at our old M.L. Parker's dept. store. My Aunt Rosie would have theme parties for every Holiday, complete with favors and ceramic figures she made. No little girl ever had it better. Now, only my dad is left, and he hates all holidays. We don't carve pumpkins, though I display various varieties. Our kittens limit what we can have inside, so my great haunted houses and witches, my vintage lanterns and ghosts, the skeletons mom and I dressed, all wait for The Museum. I watch The Great Pumpkin every year, as I have since it debuted when I was six. I go over albums of my old cards and take out the carefully preserved, very vintage but well-loved cutouts, some jointed and dressed. I look at the monster dolls my mom used to knit for and dress. I get out the Dia de Muertos dolls and figures, and think of Frida K, who loved dolls as I do. Yesterday, I had to take lunch money to school for my 15 year old. These are harried, forgetful times. My mother taught Spanish there 38+ years, and it was my alma mater, my husband's, my late Uncle George's. My aunt worked for the school district, too, so there were many memories. I lost my mom five years ago, and though I try not to get personal on my blogs, let me say that I will never get over it. When I am in the high school, she is there. I feel here everywhere, and I can hear her voice in the halls. We use to laugh; she was so loud when she taught, that the secretaries at the other end of the building were learning Spanish along with us. I'm loud, too, when I teach, and it is a compliment when people say they can hear me everywhere. :) Our city is tearing down another of the schools where my aunt worked, and where my son attended. I use to go to the frolics there, and knew the staff like family. This Halloween, all is sad but not because of the goblins. I see bits and pieces of my life chipping away, and while I don't feel old, I think perhaps I may be. This is why people collect dolls, or books, or coins, or whatever. Study material culture, and read The Grapes of Wrath. Our things, and least the cherished objects, do matter. They are our memory triggers. Without which, we disappear into the void.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

New TV Show based on a Popular Auction House

See below, and check out Morphy Auctions. Other similar shows of interest include Pawn Kings, Auction Kings, Cash in the Attic, "Collectin" Across America [off air], The Collectors [off air], American Pickers, Toy Hunter, Both British and American Antiques Roadshows, Market Warriors, Oddities, and Storage Wars. Happy Watching. SYDNEY - An exciting new series based on Morphy Auctions of Denver, Pennsylvania, made its primetime debut on Australian television on October 22nd. Titled Million Dollar Auctions, the show is carried on FOXTEL's A&E channel, which delivers original and exclusive programming from the US cable giant to Australian audiences in high definition. Million Dollar Auctions joins a powerful lineup of hit shows on FOXTEL A&E that includes American Pickers, Storage Wars, and Dog the Bounty Hunter. The Australian deal with FOXTEL was concluded at Mip TV (Cannes, France) earlier this year by exclusive sales agent and production company Icon Television. Icon TV will have 13 half-hour episodes of Million Dollar Auctions finished by December. The show has generated interest from networks in 10 other countries, including the United States. "What sets our show apart from some others is that it's not a reality show as most people would think of the term," said Morphy Auctions CEO Dan Morphy, the central figure in Million Dollar Auctions. "From the beginning, we set out to produce a series that was genuine and unscripted, with the goal of entertaining as we educated viewers about antiques and collectibles." Million Dollar Auctions is the creation of Dan Morphy (executive producer), award-winning filmmaker Glenn Aveni (director, executive producer) and Bob Newman (executive producer). Each episode of Million Dollar Auctions incorporates privileged visits to advanced collectors' homes, valuations of items that might be lying dormant in anyone's attic; and actual auction footage taken at Morphy's gallery, where winning bids decisively reveal what's hot in today's marketplace. In the opening episode, Morphy and his team visit the world's largest Coca-Cola collection, appraise a rare Mr. Peanut window display, and auction a fantastic lineup of valuable robots. Episode 2, which will air October 29th, includes a visit to a $3 million private collection of marbles, plus segments on superhero comics and a prized 19th-century slot machine. Million Dollar Auctions airs Tuesdays at 8 p.m. local time on FOXTEL A&E. For information on upcoming episodes and repeat times, log on to To participate in a future episode of Million Dollar Auctions, email Serena Myers at Morphy Auctions: LIKE US ON FACEBOOK!

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Creepy Doll Halloween Display

On Bourbon Street, found on

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Empty Mansions; the Life of Huguette Clark and Her Doll Collection

>Empty Mansions: The Mysterious Life of Huguette Clark and the Spending of a Great American Fortune Hardcover– Deckle Edge by Bill Dedman(Author),Paul Clark Newell Jr.(Author)/206 customer reviews The above is the new biography about the mysterious heiress with the million dollar doll collection. Antique Week has a great article about her and the dolls. At first, the dolls, estimated to be worth about $1.7 million dollars, were willed to her private nurse. Then, in an ongoing dispute I documented on my blogs through articles, the will was intrepreted differently after numerous relatives and claimants crawled out of the dollhouse woodwork. Now, the dolls and one mansion are part of nonprofit foundation being set up. However, the IRS is claiming penalites for assorted tax errors, and has dibs on everything, so the legendary dolls may be sold. The inventory is staggering, as alluded to in Antique Week. There were hundreds o prime French dolls from Au Nain Bleu, but he media coverage showed modern porcelain dolls in stone bisque from Asia, and vinyl play dolls from the sixties and seventies as well. Even into her 80s, Ms. Clark bought through Theriaults and other auction houses, and spent over $18,000 for one or two dolls at a time. I'm glad to know she was not a doll snob, at least. She was meticulous about her doll houses and their inhabitants and was known to ask for doll houses to be remodeled to fit her chosen doll house families, or even to refuse a house that did not live up to its expectations. She reminds me of me when I was ten or so, and the doll house family was made up of many dolls, some who were not to scale, but who were always welcome, wherever they fit. I had doll house editions on shelves under desks, under tables, in boxes adjacent to the "main" house. Dalton Abbey had nothing over us. It would be lovely to keep this collection in tact. So many great collections, historically relevant, have been broken up and sold, never to be chronicled or viewed again as a whole. If we had the funds, we'd take in all the Clark orphans. I call on The National Toy Hall of Fame and The House on the Rock to take notice! People often comment on the money Clark, a millionaire many times over, spent on dolls. It was her money, I'd like to add. She preserved images of the past and curated them for future reference. They will never be assembled this way again. Historians and students of Material Culture should thank her. There are worse things one can spend money on, and Ms Clark was also known for her generosity in giving dolls to others. I will read this new book; I hope it is not another book length indictment of a collector's "eccentricity," or literary gawking at someone else's wealth. It will be in the next edition of my Doll Source bibliography, and look for further stories on this and my other blogs. Forgive typos, hand injuries acting up, and I need new glasses :). May the best doll go to you.

Monday, October 7, 2013

Halloween and Dolls and antique Wax Models for Anatomy

One of the things I enjoy is posting on Pinterest. I have a Holidays Board and a Doll Collection Board; both contain images of Halloween and goth dolls. There are more on my Erzebet and the Lady Vampires Board. Wants this year include Catty Noir of Monster High, Frozen Charlotte of Living Dead Dolls, Goth Girl from Spirit of Halloween, and of course, the Haunted Mechanical Rag Dolls from Spirit of Halloween. I've discovered 17th c. wax models done for anatamy study, and also some 18th c. models for studying anatomy. We the plastic Invisible Woman and some other skeleton models in the museum, but these are breathtaking, though a little too graphic to post here. Here is a link from the U of Chicago Magazine about a "Lady Anatomist" who did this work in wax. https://tableau/ Her name was Anna Morandi. The Journal of Anatomy also had a good article at There is a blog devoted to these figures, very similar to Santos, called "morbid anatomy" at http://The Year of Wax dolls are a good choice to write about for Halloween. I still have my tiny figural Halloween Candles, shaped like witches and ghosts; several reside in our doll house attics, and others on our display shelves. Wax is associated with voodoo dolls, and with long, ghostly tapers held by phantoms. The atmosphere of Harry Potter carries out the motif to perfection. I loved using candles and caryons to make my own wax dolls, and would also use soap and candles. I wish I had my old Mattel jewelry maker; I used to improvise quite nicely with it. I used cats eye shells, beans, stuffed animal eyes, and later dolls eyes in my creations. I dressed them and made clothese for them, and read about Vargas, Montanari, March, Periotti, and other great doll makers in wax. I read about Lewis Sorensen, Gladys McDowell, met Bobbi Langkau and bought some of her dolls. I read about metal dolls dipped in wax, and Pumpkin Heads, or molded haired dolls dipped in papier mache. One of ours has a molded bonnet, with a place to attach a real hair pony tail. She is old, from the 1840s or so. We have a 200 year old wax creche figure, and some other figures including one equally old devotional child that was part of the Mary Merritt museum. We also have a wax Bru, but that is all we know of her provenance, and a couple of mystery poured wax dolls. I would love a figure from Mme. Tussaud's, or one sculpted by Sorensen for The Ripley's Museums. Tussaud had dolls made of her and her royal princess friend, made during the course of their liftimes. She, of course, had the hideous task of modelling the severed heads of the victim's of Mlle Guillotine, including, one day, the head of her playmate, a sister of the King. Wax dates to the time of the Egyptians, probably earlier; as soon as we learned to raise bees, there was beeswax, and candles have been made from all sorts of variations. Wax dolls are lovely, but hard to find. I have posted a photos of one of mine for your enjoyment.

Thursday, October 3, 2013

I Won! Thank you Greyden Press!

Children Recognized Author Winners a to z and how it came to be by Jane Knigge A Walrus Ate My Right, Blue Shoe by Lori Spencer Around and Around the Seasons We Go! by Jennifer Leonard Buried Treasure in Olney by Thomas Renk Clara and World War II by Ellen Marie Tsagaris Emma Finds Her Voice by Estelle Sobel Erasmus Halloween Night by Kaylee Hamelink If Trees Could Dance by Theresa Stucky Jake and Lilly’s Mom Works by Erin Rhinehart Lovebugs by Shera Dalin My New Mommy by Ronni McNabb Railroad Train by Mariecor Agravante Sit With Mama by Mary Flanagan Malbasa The Magic Shoes by Janet Ruth Heller The Unhappiest Girl in Town by Susan Lutz FICTION CATEGORY GRAND PRIZE WINNER Flight to Destiny by Sarah Byrn Rickman Fiction Recognized Author Winners A Cowboy in Savannah by David Osborne Bronk by Max Oliver Cheron’s Choke by Frank Mabry Eli’s Lullaby by Perry Jurick Laura of the Woods by Steven Bussell No More Yellow Buses by Geoffrey Steele Shadow Mountain by Max Oliver SWEATIN’ by Kim Kendall The Gun Trail by Tom Alberti Toe-rag by Ruan Wright Fiction Silver Lining Winners The Bathory Chronicles Liz Volume I by Ellen Marie Tsagaris The Wild Horse Runs Free by Ellen Marie Tsagaris

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Memoir; Writing your Life Story: What to do at a Reading

Memoir; Writing your Life Story: What to do at a Reading: I did a reading tonight with some friends at our local library. There is a community program done every year called Read Local. Tonight, I...

Monday, September 30, 2013

Taltos by Anne Rice

It is nearly Halloween; here is a post from one of my favorite authors, who also happens to like dolls. We have books and dolls from her former collections in The Museum: “When you loved dolls and studied them, you started to love all kinds of people too, because you saw the virtue in their expressions, how carefully they had been sculpted, the parts contrived to create the triumph of this or that remarkable face.” Anne Rice, Taltos. The doll pictured is an artist's reproduction from Dr. E's Doll Museum representing the Long Faced or so-called Cody Jumeau, allegedly modeled after a French King's portrait, done at age 4.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Bean Bags in Trouble!!

See below; I still love them, still have ours in The Museum, talk about them in With Love from Tin Lizzie! Written by Michael Tarm Associated Press Sep. 19, 2013 11:18 AM | CHICAGO — Felonies and potential prison stints haven’t been the kinds of things associated with cute, cuddly Beanie Babies, but that changed Wednesday when the creator of the iconic stuffed toys was charged with tax evasion and agreed to pay a $53 million penalty. H. Ty Warner, a 69-year-old billionaire from suburban Chicago, intends to plead guilty and pay the massive penalty, his attorney said in a statement as prosecutors in Chicago announced the legal action. He’s accused of failing to report income he earned in an offshore bank account. If convicted, he faces up to five years in prison and assorted other fines. The well-honed image of Beanie Babies, so much a part of the lives of many children and their parents, could take a hit, said Allen Adamson, managing director of the New York-based branding firm Landor Associates. “It’s so jarring because this product feels so sweet, so innocent,” Adamson said. “To find out the person behind it isn’t so sweet and innocent. … Beanie Baby’s getting a black eye.” Beanie Babies first appeared in the mid-1990s, triggering a craze that generated hundreds of millions of dollars for Westmont, Illinois-based TY Inc., of which Warner is the sole owner. The small, plush toys have heart-shaped name tags and are made to resemble bears and other animals. Some of the more recent ones are designed to look like cartoon or comic book characters. As collectibles, some fetch thousands of dollars. Court documents allege that Warner maintained a secret offshore account starting in 1996 with the Switzerland-based financial services company, UBS. Prosecutors say he earned $3.1 million in gross income in 2002 through the account, but didn’t report it. “This is an unfortunate situation that Mr. Warner has been trying to resolve for several years now,” Warner’s attorney, Gregory Scandaglia, said. The U.S. Attorney’s Office in Chicago did not mention a $53 million penalty in its news release. Scandaglia described it as “a civil penalty … for failure to file a Foreign Bank Account Report.” Warner would appear to be in a position to pay: Forbes recently estimated his net worth at $2.6 billion. His legal troubles could put off some Beanie Babies fans or would-be business partners, potentially denting profits, Adamson said. “People are risk averse,” he said. “If there’s negative buzz around something, they can choose something else.” But people generally don’t associate Warner’s name with his product, so branding expert Laura Ries doesn’t think the case will keep lovers of the toys away. “People may not buy (a Beanie Babies toy) because it’s not as cool as it was,” said Ries of the Atlanta firm Ries & Ries. “But I don’t think consumers care the owner didn’t pay his taxes and is in big legal trouble.” Warner’s arraignment is scheduled for Oct. 2. .

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Doll Museum: Cloth Dolls -19th c. Continued

Doll Museum: Cloth Dolls -19th c. Continued: As we return to our chronology, I would like to talk a little more about cloth dolls, in particular those made by Izannah Walker, who was ma...

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Why so high?

As many of my readers know, I publish. I have been published by The Hobby House Press, The Tower Press Mazgzine, Fitzroy-Dearborn/Routhledge, The Popular Press/U of Wiscosin Press, 918studio, The Pace University Press, PMLA, Black Hawk College, Ammerican Doll and Toy Corp, The Pace University Press, The Midwest Journal of Victorian Studies, etc. I've done this on my own, with no agent. I am proud of this, but as a result, I do not get the profits from many of my books, which have been donated for charity, or fees to go to the publisher or buyer, in the case of Sappho, I should have listened. That's a little ironic, considering the title. I was happy to have these arrangements, but I find myself in some flabbergasting situtations. My book on Pym sells everywhere for sometimes 95.00-130.00. I get none of this, unless I sell copies myself. I sell them from $10.00-40.00, below cost to the original press. The same is true of my bibliography of dolls and toys, which I found today on sale at Alibris for $110.00!! I have contacted these sellers, again, and hope for an answer. I do not write to get rich, but I am a little disgusted. These books take years,and years of research, and travel and legwork, and the publishers certainly don't reimburse that cost. There are many other people out there with the same lament. My reviews are very good; my Kindle fiction is selling, and I hope to post more fiction and nonfiction there, though I sell modestly. I want people to read; I am a teacher by trade and nature, and I have much to share. Yet, for all my effort, I see my Pym book posted on Google without my permission by The Popular Press. I, and many others, collect only 1% royalties on The Academic Presses because it is an honor to be published, a perish or publish necessity in some schools, and, to paraphrase Michael Dorris, an honor to be used. I will still write, but please, if you want a copy of any of my books. Contact me first. Thank you.

The Subversion of Romance in the Novels of Barbara Pym by Tsagaris, Ellen M: Good, Hardcover, $95.00 at Alibris Marketplace

Here is another one; $40.00 if from me!

The Subversion of Romance in the Novels of Barbara Pym by Tsagaris, Ellen M: Good, Hardcover, $95.00 at Alibris Marketplace

A Bibliography of Doll and Toy Sources by Ellen Tsagaris: New, Softcover, $110.74 at Alibris Marketplace

It costs a lot less if you order it from me or Amazon!

A Bibliography of Doll and Toy Sources by Ellen Tsagaris: New, Softcover, $110.74 at Alibris Marketplace

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

9/11 In Memoriam-The Star Spangled Banner with all its Verses

May never forget, may we always have courage, and may The United States always be The United States. To those who lost their lives at The Pentagon, In Pennsylvania, In The Twin Towers, In Iraq, In Afhanistan, In Bengazi, and anywhere people have died for Freedom:Oh, say can you see by the dawn's early light What so proudly we hailed at the twilight's last gleaming? Whose broad stripes and bright stars thru the perilous fight, O'er the ramparts we watched were so gallantly streaming? And the rocket's red glare, the bombs bursting in air, Gave proof through the night that our flag was still there. Oh, say does that star-spangled banner yet wave O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave? On the shore, dimly seen through the mists of the deep, Where the foe's haughty host in dread silence reposes, What is that which the breeze, o'er the towering steep, As it fitfully blows, half conceals, half discloses? Now it catches the gleam of the morning's first beam, In full glory reflected now shines in the stream: 'Tis the star-spangled banner! Oh long may it wave O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave! And where is that band who so vauntingly swore That the havoc of war and the battle's confusion, A home and a country should leave us no more! Their blood has washed out their foul footsteps' pollution. No refuge could save the hireling and slave From the terror of flight, or the gloom of the grave: And the star-spangled banner in triumph doth wave O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave! Oh! thus be it ever, when freemen shall stand Between their loved home and the war's desolation! Blest with victory and peace, may the heav'n rescued land Praise the Power that hath made and preserved us a nation. Then conquer we must, when our cause it is just, And this be our motto: "In God is our trust." And the star-spangled banner in triumph shall wave O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave!

For the Library: A Literary Shelter for Misfit Dolls

It has been a busy month for doll collecting activities. I had my first obscene nasty spam on my other web museum, called simply, Doll Museum. I marked it spam and deleted it. I can’t stress enough that this is a family blog. We simply are not THAT kind of doll! My thanks to the RI Library Friends. We had a lovely time at lunch, and my program was well-received. I was told the topic, “A Literary Shelter for Misfit Dolls” was a hit. Many of my teachers, neighbors, and professors were there. I received a lovely Peruvian doll, called “The Peruvian Barbie,” a small china doll of Becky Thatcher, and a lovely round doll trunk from the fifties. These were gifts from some very kind people who wanted to show their appreciation. Many people had questions; the men were as interested as the women. I organized the displays around the dolls appearing in the novels of George Eliot, Frances Hodgson Burnett, Anne Rice, and Laura Ingalls Wilder. I talked about one of my favorite web sites, The Shelter for Misfit Dolls. The venue, The First Baptist church, was also the first place I ever gave a talk on dolls. It was 1969, and I was earning my Girl Scout Collectors badge. One doll from that talk made her return engagement; she was a dried apply granny my mother bought for me for Christmas. She was a penny saver advertisement, but from the Amanas, where an elderly woman made apple dolls for years. There were people in the audience who had given me doll and added to my collection over the years, and I thanked them. I was asked to do other programs, which always makes me happy. The museum is, after all, to share, that the dolls may teach and learn. Saturday was our second book signing at The Book Rack, and our third for With Love from Tin Lizzie. We are very grateful to the store who allow us to hold signings.
1 Mississippi, 2 Mississippi… Before I Can Count, or Spell Mississippis I’m 4, looking over the Bridge Rail Waiting for skimming barges Afraid to see big, long water snakes, Dark as the water, Happy to see Koi, Oranges, dark greys, pearl whites, “Is that where my goldfish go When they swim upside down in my bowl then Go away?” Delighted at their immortality. 1 Mississippi, I’m ten, and Ferris wheels Glitter on Old Miss’s Banks, Rhinestones that decorate the shore The way they decorate hats you win At the Carnival, Murder that summer, Never solved, A boy who was my age will never ride the Ferris wheel again. He is not immortal, and the rail road bridge, its tracks, and the Arsenal Gates are his last companions. 2 Mississippi, I’m 15, and its Field Biology time, I’m wading in her shores at Sunset Marina, Pulling things out of the water, Creating slides of microscopic Water creatures, Wearing rubber hip boots, Not fishing, but catching a lot, An old doll head finds its way to me, Sightless, grimacing, glad I’ve caught it. We disinfect it, sew it a body, Create Couture from an old swim dress of mine. It has a second life. 3 Mississippi; I’m nearly 30. I don’t have to count “Mississippis” any more To measure time. It flows swifter than my River’s Current. I’m gone, gone girl to California. I wade in the Pacific now. But, I don’t like it. Not anymore. Like Susie Glaspell, I want my river. 4 Mississippi, I’ve come home, Still looking for water snakes in the Black Water, Still struggling against Time’s Current, Writing, teaching, showing Others my River. 5 Mississippi, I won’t tell you how old I am. “You are drinking the Mississippi River,” A sign reads at one of my old schools. Well, I do drink it in. I visit its locks and dams, Damn its bridges, Ride its currents when I can, Listen to my River. One day I’ll sail it down to River Styx. Then I won’t even try to count Mississippi’s anymore.

Friday, September 6, 2013

Dolls on Facebook, YouTube and Doll Pile

It has been a while, but I am eager to get back to blogging. After a very sad summer, involving more funerals than I care to think of, and a bad bout with summer allergies and asthma, we are back at The Museum, planning projects. We have two talks coming up for local library groups and churches, and at least two book signings and one reading for With Love from Tin Lizzie . . . . We have two new kitten, Mr. Tuxedo and Ms. Bangles. It was an accident, or as a friend put it, "an unplanned pregnancy! :)" They are now three months, and have run us ragged, collapsing on the bed at night in little furry balls to sleep. When they wake up and play tag, they sound like a heard of elephants crashing through the halls. The first thing they did was to find the bag of Emmie Kitty's "mouse doll," all of them: Catnip Rocket Mouse, Doll Mouse, Mme. Le Pomplemouse, Leopard Mouse, etc., about 30 all told. We keep them in a Hello Kitty! bag, of course. T and B were facing each other with kitty toys spilled between them. They were shoving different toys towards each other with paws and noses. I think they were dividing them up. They had such a good time, I didn't have the heart to take them, though I wanted to save Emmie's toys in a glass case, a la FDR and Fala's rubber squeak toys. They won. For those who are cyber minded, you know there are many great groups on collecting dolls and antiques. My favorite is Dolls Antique Dolls Antique, Admin legendary dealer and collector Pat Vallaincourt. There are many others. I also have found some interesing YouTube cites on dolls and doll colecting, and some Pinterest pages. I will list some in this blog with links, and have shared some in my sidebar on in earlier blogs. Here, also is a list for a new, free site, for advetising dolls and related items, called Doll Pile, discovered from my friend, Deb Ritter of Uneek Designs: Facebook: 1. Dr. E's Doll Museum.!/pages/Dr-Es-Doll-Museum/200664553315817 [my page] 2. Antique Dolls AntiqueDolls. 3. For the Love of Dolls.!/groups/340077192745284/ 4. TOYS-VINTAGE-GIOCATTOLI - FOR SALE - VENDO - .!/groups/187848534704031/ 5. OOAK ART [Dolls].!/groups/63401573327/ 6. Quality Antique Replica Dolls.!/groups/replicadolls/ 7. Antique Vintage Artists Doll Bazaar.!/groups/163657630460540/ 8. Southern Junkers.!/groups/southernjunkers/ 9. Dolls and Bears from "Julito."!/groups/396596907077961/ 10. Dolls- Buy, Sell, Trade--any brand, new or used.!/groups/603473099697740/ 11. Clothing for Dolls and Teddy Bears.!/groups/607148185968042/ 12. Doll Collecting. There are many more besides these. Once you join one, more pop up on the right side bar. You ask to be invited by clicking on them, and you then get approved. YouTube: This is just a sampling. I also use Doll Museum, specific museum names, dolls, Collectible dolls, etc., as keyword searches: The 2 Million Dollar Doll Collection o by Barcroft TV o 1 year ago o 40,787 views Subscribe twitter: Facebook: ... o H Jackson Women's Club, antique doll collector Diane Southworth on AM Live TSPN TV 2-15-13 o by TSPNTV o 6 months ago o 47 views Jan Gleason of the Jackson Women's Club stops by the AM Live set with antique doll collector Diane Southworth. Antiques: How to Collect Antique Dolls : Evaluating Your Antique Doll Collection o by expertvillage o 5 years ago o 2,731 views An expert teaches you how to properly evaluate the your antique doll collection, including tips and tricks, in this free video about ... o CC Doll Collectors Vintage Blythe Doll, Polly is SOLD! o by 1dreampainter o 3 years ago o 6,922 views I NEED to sell my vintage Blythe doll and I would like $1200.00 ( U.S. dollars ) but will consider offers. I hate to part with her but .. Antiques: How to Collect Antique Dolls : Antique Dolls: Types of Antique Doll Hair o by expertvillage o 5 years ago o 2,852 views An expert teaches you about the different types of hair found on antique dolls in this free video about collectible dolls. Expert: Jan ... Why I like something I like - Antique Dolls o by EVPClassABC o 4 years ago o 5,670 views I was "tagged" so I put this together. Antiques: How to Collect Antique Dolls : Antique Dolls: Crissy Dolls o by expertvillage o 5 years ago o 4,779 views An expert teaches you what to look for in Crissy dolls including tips and tricks in this free video about collectible dolls. Expert: Jan ... o CC Antiques: How to Collect Antique Dolls : Antique Dolls: Saucy Walker Dolls o by expertvillage o 5 years ago o 5,915 views An expert teaches you what to look for in Saucy Walker dolls including tips and tricks in this free video about collectible dolls. o CC 6 videos Play all doll collecting o by Alejandro Chouza o 1:35 Antiques: How to Collect Antique Dolls : Antique Dolls: Saucy Walker Dolls o 0:42 Antiques: How to Collect Antique Dolls : Evaluating Your Antique Doll Collection View full playlist (6 videos) My Vintage Doll Collection o by Melanie Olson o 4 years ago o 17,148 views For doll lovers... This slideshow originally started out as a cataloguing project for insurance purposes, but then the idea grew into ... o HD My Barbie vintage doll collection o by 72tremendo o 10 months ago o 272 views My collection of vintage Barbies From 1950's, 60's and 70's including my Blythe doll collection, medium and petite size from Japan ... National Barbie Doll Collectors Convention o by clevelandplaindealer o 3 years ago o 47,803 views Barbie doll fans and collectors from around the world are gathering at the Renaissance Cleveland Hotel for the National Barbie ... Antiques: How to Collect Antique Dolls : Antique Dolls: Raggedy Anne & Andy Dolls o by expertvillage o 5 years ago o 2,434 views An expert teaches you what to look for in Raggedy Anne and Andy dolls including tips and tricks in this free video about collectible ... o CC ANTIQUES o by ActionFigureWorld o 0:44 2011 Long Island Doll Show Hauppauge, New York Ideal Dolls o 4:45 He-man & the Masters of the Universe 1982 Castle Grayskull Playset Toy Review View full playlist (12 videos) Duck House Porcelain Heirloom Collector Dolls For Sale @ o by Stephanie Wilder o 5 months ago o 317 views (828) 669-2743 Duck House Porcelain Heirloom Collector Dolls For Sale Duck House and ... Antiques: How to Collect Antique Dolls : Antique Dolls: Buddy Lee Dolls o by expertvillage o 5 years ago o 1,419 views An expert teaches you what to look for in antique Buddy Lee dolls including tips and tricks in this free video about collectible dolls. o C Vintage Barbie Doll Collection o by windyfields o 4 years ago o 14,600 views I have a couple hundred barbies and assorted other 1960 and '70's dolls. I used to have approx. 400 dolls but slowly weeded out ... Antik Puppen, antique Dolls in Trier o by evajolanthe o 3 years ago o 3,602 views Antik Puppen, antique Dolls in Trier, Deutschland, Germany, I love antique Dolls. Antiques: How to Collect Antique Dolls : Antique Dolls: Composition Dolls o by expertvillage o 5 years ago o 2,582 views An expert teaches you what to look for in composition dolls including tips and tricks in this free video about collectible dolls. o CC Antiques: How to Collect Antique Dolls : Antique Dolls: Vinyl Puppets o by expertvillage o 5 years ago o 1,291 views An expert teaches you what to look for in Vynil Puppets including tips and tricks in this free video about collectible dolls. Expert: ... o CC Collector's Spotlight: Me and My Collection, by Kewpie 83, also lists to blog. This is a mother/daughter collecting team. Focus on Skipper. Museums: On YouTube, Museum of Unique Dolls, Moscow. Credits Cleopatra with being the first doll collector! A Thousand Faces, or the Museum of Unique Dolls In English. On the Web: Dolly Mamma's. Used to be in Indiana. and-toys Use Doll Collection. There are also boards by Sammy Odin of the Museum of the Doll, Paris.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Doll Museum: From G. Stanley Hall, A Study of Dolls (1897) on G...

Doll Museum: From G. Stanley Hall, A Study of Dolls (1897) on G...: From G. Stanley Hall, A Study of Dolls (1897) on Google Books for free: St. Agnes, one end of a passage is given up to the objects foun...

Doll Pile

We have joined Doll Pile, please see the link below!">Browse My Dolls at Doll Pile

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Tonner Holiday Dolls

It is time to beging assessing new dolls and related items debuting for the holidays. Here is part of the Tonner selection: 2013 Fall Holiday Preview - Details Inside! From: Tonner Doll Company To: etsag1998 Date: Wed, Aug 28, 2013 9:02 am Having trouble viewing this email? Click here tonner logo white text [] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Introducing the 2013 Fall Holiday Preview! Here's a tasty slice of what's to come for the Fall Holiday Release, coming at you in Mid September (date TBA). Ship dates are noted, and you can order some things RIGHT NOW! FREE SHIPPING for 7 days only - Use promo code NUDOLLS1 *International Friends, email your order number to for a $9.95 shipping credit. Happy shopping! [] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Peachy Keen Patsy [] Peachy Keen Patsy [] Peachy Keen Patsy®

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Doll Museum: Dolls for Boys and Nearly 20,000 Viewers!

Doll Museum: Dolls for Boys and Nearly 20,000 Viewers!: It hit me that I hadn't been on for a while; just too much happening, and Emma's death affected us all badly. I am excited to be ne...

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Irena Sendler

On Behalf of The Holocaust Education Committee, to which I belong, here is some basic information, a flier really, with Judy Winnick playing Irena Sendler, Angel of the Warsaw Ghetto. Our Teachers Institute is October 3d this year. Watch for more information soon.

Friday, August 9, 2013

Rip for the Man Behind Bunny Rabbit, Mr. Moose, and Dancing Bear of Captain Kangaroo Fame

If you love The Captain, and puppets, read below from Yahoo: By Scott Collins August 7, 2013, 3:38 p.m. Boomers, say goodbye to another piece of childhood: The man who created Dancing Bear on "Captain Kangaroo" has died. Cosmo Allegretti, a set painter who became a puppeteer and voice artist on the children's TV classic, died of emphysema at age 86 on July 26 according to UPI, although the death wasn't widely reported until Wednesday. Allegretti became a performer by accident, after producers were unhappy with a puppet created for the show and Allegretti offered to design a substitute. PHOTOS: Notable deaths of 2013 In addition to Dancing Bear -- who was game to dance but nevertheless uncertain what to make of the music playing around him -- Allegretti voiced many characters such as Mr. Moose and Grandfather Clock. "Captain Kangaroo" aired on CBS from 1955 to 1984, with Bob Keeshan as the host and title character and Hugh Brannum as his friend Mr. Green Jeans. Keeshan died in 2004, Brannum in 1987. Kevin Clash -- who later found fame and controversy as the puppeteer behind Elmo -- also worked on the show during the 1980s. Allegretti was briefly married during the 1950s to Carol Lawrence, a Broadway actress who went on to appear on TV series such as "Saved by the Bell" and "Sex and the City." Which was your favorite Allegretti character?

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Doll Marks

Link to a great site from a friend on Facebook: This is a great reference site!

Monday, August 5, 2013

Doll Museum: Modern Dolls; The 20th century

Doll Museum: Modern Dolls; The 20th century: I recommend a tour of the National Museum of play online collections, which is set up by century and type, and Johanna Gast Anderton's...

Doll Museum: Dr. E's Doll Museum Blog: Dr. Who's Queen Anne Dol...

Doll Museum: Dr. E's Doll Museum Blog: Dr. Who's Queen Anne Dol...: Dr. E's Doll Museum Blog: Dr. Who's Queen Anne Doll : Tonight's Dr. Who features doll monsters that turn people into dolls that ...

How-To Books, Pioneer Crafts, and Folk Dolls-from my 49 Tips on Living Green

Another Monday,and the rain beats down on our roof as though it would break right through and drown us all. Below are two more of the original tips. When time was my own, I loved browsing how-to books. I found many self-help books interesting, even if they couldn't help me. Dr. Laura's were always the most fun, and there was one about business called When Smart People Fail that gave anyone looking for a job a lot of insight. I love our local botanical center for many reasons, but one is that they have a great library, displayed in a comfortable setting. The books are all on plants and gardening, and are lovely in their own right. What a great place to research this topic, all in one place, where you can sit in style and take notes. I learned a lot about pioneer crafts by making dolls. G. Stanley Hall's 1897 classic A Study of Dolls gives lots of insight into pioneer and urban crafts, and into the creativity of children. Innovative children he studied made dolls out of all types of found objects, including old shoes, rags, and even meat! Corncob and corn husk crafts have origins in Native American and European culture, cf my post on Corn Dollies. Wendy Lavitt's American Folk Dolls is another good source. 7.Invest in a good library on how to books and books on going green; don’t over look free government publications and consumer reports. Many books and magazines on these subjects can also be found at library sales, and library cafes, where they cost as little as a dime. You can also recycle your old magazines by bringing back the ones you have read and do not need any more. 8. As a family hobby, review pioneer crafts including soap making and butter making. Try making jam or jelly and using canning jars. If you are lucky and have your mother’s or grandmothers’ glass fridge containers nad storage boxes, check to see if they are lead free and use them. Martha Stewart's book have great ideas, as do Laura Ingalls Wilder's Little House Books. Local museums and national parts have kits and publications on this topic as well. The Scouts for both genders have plenty of tips for crafts and how-two projects in their manuals and various brochures on earning badges. Joining Scouts or any similar organization is still the best way to learn self reliant crafts and folk arts.

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Dr. Who's Queen Anne Doll

Tonight's Dr. Who features doll monsters that turn people into dolls that look like them. The dolls have faces like Queen Anne Wooden dolls. Who knew? There are other creepy toys involved in this episode. I always thought Queen Anne's and their Georgian sisters looked a little cross, but scary? I don't think os. So, the giant dolls are now chasing the DR. and his latest friends. Doll Collectding just is not what it used to be.

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Monday, July 15, 2013

Friday, July 12, 2013

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Dolly Mama's Doll Museum in Indiana There are still links to this museum, but the owner wanted to close. It is amazing; her number is there, perhaps anyone interested could call.

Dolls and Horror Movies/from IMDB

They forgot Wait until Dark, The Stepford Wives, Child of Glass, and the Chalk Garden: Scary dolls, puppets, dummies, mannequins, toys, and marionettes by wortkunst created 11 months ago | last updated - 4 months ago Please comment on the list if you know any other feature films or TV series. Showing all 85 Titles Sort by: List orderTitle A-ZUS release date# ratingsIMDb ratingMOVIEMeterDate added View: Log in to copy items to your own lists. 1. Dead Silence(2007) 6.0/10 A widower returns to his hometown to search for answers to his wife's murder, which may be linked to the ghost of a murdered ventriloquist. (89 mins.) Director: James Wan Stars: Ryan Kwanten, Amber Valletta, Donnie Wahlberg, Michael Fairman Add to Watchlist 2. Bride of Chucky(1998) 5.2/10 Chucky, the doll possessed by a serial killer, discovers the perfect mate to kill and revive into the body of another doll. (89 mins.) Director: Ronny Yu Stars: Jennifer Tilly, Brad Dourif, Katherine Heigl, Nick Stabile Add to Watchlist 3. Child's Play(1988) 6.4/10 A single mother gives her son a beloved doll for his birthday, later they find out that the doll is possessed with the soul of a serial killer, who try to put his soul into the boy's body in order to become human. (87 mins.) Director: Tom Holland Stars: Catherine Hicks, Chris Sarandon, Alex Vincent, Brad Dourif Add to Watchlist 4. Seed of Chucky(2004) 4.9/10 Chuck (Brad Dourif) and Tiff (Jennifer Tilly) return, resurrected by their son (Billy Boyd), and hit Hollywood in the fifth film of the CHILD'S PLAY series. (87 mins.) Director: Don Mancini Stars: Jennifer Tilly, Brad Dourif, John Waters, Billy Boyd Add to Watchlist 5. Puppetmaster(1989 Video) 5.3/10 Neil Gallagher found the secret to Toulon's puppets who come to life and then killed himself. Alex and... (90 mins.) Director: David Schmoeller Stars: Paul Le Mat, William Hickey, Irene Miracle, Jimmie F. Skaggs Add to Watchlist 6. Dolls(1987) 6.2/10 A group of people stop by a mansion during a storm and discover two magical toy makers, and their haunted collection of dolls. (77 mins.) Director: Stuart Gordon Stars: Ian Patrick Williams, Carolyn Purdy-Gordon, Carrie Lorraine, Guy Rolfe Add to Watchlist 7. Dolly Dearest(1991) 4.3/10 An American family moves to Mexico to fabricate dolls, but their toy factory happens to be next to a... (93 mins.) Director: Maria Lease Stars: Denise Crosby, Sam Bottoms, Rip Torn, Chris Demetral Add to Watchlist 8. Doll Graveyard(2005) 4.2/10 It's 1905 when 12 year old Sophia plays all by herself in her big, creepy house with only four handmade dolls as friends... (71 mins.) Director: Charles Band Stars: Jared Kusnitz, Gabrielle Lynn, Kristyn Green, Anna Alicia Brock Add to Watchlist 9. Pin(1988) 6.5/10 In this low-budget descendant of Psycho, Ursula and Leon are sister and brother, living alone, save... (103 mins.) Director: Sandor Stern Stars: David Hewlett, Cynthia Preston, Terry O'Quinn, Bronwen Mantel Add to Watchlist 10. Magic(1978) 6.5/10 A ventriloquist is at the mercy of his vicious dummy while he tries to renew a romance with his high school sweetheart. (107 mins.) Director: Richard Attenborough Stars: Anthony Hopkins, Ann-Margret, Burgess Meredith, Ed Lauter Add to Watchlist 11. Devil Doll(1964) 3.6/10 An evil hyponotist/ventriloquist plots to gain an heiress' millions. (81 mins.) Director: Lindsay Shonteff Stars: Bryant Haliday, William Sylvester, Yvonne Romain, Sandra Dorne Add to Watchlist 12. Black Devil Doll(2007) 4.1/10 A young, moist, buxom teen vixen finds herself hurled into an odyssey of forbidden sex and unspeakable... (73 mins.) Director: Jonathan Lewis Stars: Jonathan Louis Lewis, Chris Lewis, Minh Bao, The Brick Add to Watchlist 13. Trilogy of Terror(1975 TV Movie) 6.7/10 Three bizarre horror stories all of which star Karen Black in four different roles playing tormented women. (72 mins.) Director: Dan Curtis Stars: Karen Black, Robert Burton, John Karlen, George Gaynes Add to Watchlist 14. Attack of the Puppet People(1958) 4.1/10 Lonely, deranged puppet-master designs a machine that shrinks people. (79 mins.) Director: Bert I. Gordon Stars: John Agar, John Hoyt, June Kenney, Susan Gordon Add to Watchlist “ In this movie people are miniaturized; so basically it's not an evil puppet movie. ” - wortkunst 15. Tourist Trap(1979) 6.0/10 A group of young friends stranded at a secluded roadside museum are stalked by the owner of the place, who has the power to control his collection of mannequins. (90 mins.) Director: David Schmoeller Stars: Chuck Connors, Jocelyn Jones, Jon Van Ness, Robin Sherwood Add to Watchlist 16. Triloquist(2008) 4.1/10 In 1993, in Hollywood, California, a decadent ventriloquist overdoses and dies, leaving her two children to be sent to a foster house with their dummy. Their lives become a nightmare of abuse and murder, to be avenged by a wrathful dummy. (80 mins.) Director: Mark Jones Stars: Paydin LoPachin, Rocky Marquette, Katie Chonacas, Brian Krause Add to Watchlist 17. Demonic Toys(1992 Video) 4.7/10 A policewoman, her quarry and an innocent delivery boy become trapped in a haunted toy warehouse (86 mins.) Director: Peter Manoogian Stars: Tracy Scoggins, Bentley Mitchum, Daniel Cerny, Michael Russo Add to Watchlist 18. Goosebumps(1995 TV Series) Episode: Night of the Living Dummy II (1996) 8.3/10 Amy Kramer's ventriloquist dummy, Dennis, keeps losing his head, literally, and Amy has been pestering her Dad for weeks to get her a new one... (30 mins.) Director: Randy Bradshaw, Craig Pryce Stars: R.L. Stine, Kathryn Short, Cody Jones, Scott Wickware Add to Watchlist 19. Joey(1985) 4.3/10 When Joey's dad dies Joey is starting to act strange. He's got psychic powers. He can talk to him on the phone... (98 mins.) Director: Roland Emmerich Stars: Joshua Morrell, Eva Kryll, Tammy Shields, Jan Zierold Add to Watchlist 20. Dead of Night(1945) 7.7/10 An architect senses impending doom as his half-remembered recurring dream turns into reality. The guests at the country house encourage him to stay as they take turns telling supernatural tales. (103 mins.) Director: Cavalcanti, Charles Crichton Stars: Mervyn Johns, Michael Redgrave, Roland Culver, Mary Merrall Add to Watchlist “ The fifth and final story "The Ventriloquist" is about a ventriloquist who thinks his dummy is out to get him. ” - wortkunst 21. Twilight Zone(1959 TV Series) Episode: Living Doll (1963) 8.6/10 A frustrated father does battle with his stepdaughter's talking doll, whose vocabulary includes such phrases as "I hate you" and "I'm going to kill you". (51 mins.) Stars: Rod Serling, Robert McCord, Jay Overholts, Vaughn Taylor Add to Watchlist 22. Tales from the Hood(1995) 5.8/10 A strange funeral director tells four strange tales of horror with an African American focus to three drug dealers he traps in his place of business. (98 mins.) Director: Rusty Cundieff Stars: Clarence Williams III, Corbin Bernsen, Joe Torry, De'aundre Bonds Add to Watchlist 23. Family Matters(1989 TV Series) Episode: Stevil (1996) 6.9/10 Long-running "Perfect Strangers" spin-off series centering on the Winslow family and their pesky next-door neighbor, ultra-nerd Steve Urkel. (30 mins.) Stars: Reginald VelJohnson, Jaleel White, Kellie Shanygne Williams, Darius McCrary Add to Watchlist 24. Family Matters(1989 TV Series) Episode: Stevil II: This Time He's Not Alone (1997) 7.5/10 Today is Halloween and Steve plans to spend a nice, quiet one with his girlfriend, Laura. Unfortunately Stevil... (30 mins.) Stars: Reginald VelJohnson, Jaleel White, Kellie Shanygne Williams, Darius McCrary Add to Watchlist 25. Child's Play 2(1990) 5.3/10 Chucky's back as the doll possessed by the soul of a serial killer, butchering all who stand in his way of possessing the body of a boy. (84 mins.) Director: John Lafia Stars: Alex Vincent, Jenny Agutter, Gerrit Graham, Christine Elise Add to Watchlist 26. Child's Play 3(1991) 4.6/10 Chucky, the doll possessed by a serial killer, returns for revenge against Andy, the young boy that defeated him and has since become adult. (90 mins.) Director: Jack Bender Stars: Justin Whalin, Perrey Reeves, Jeremy Sylvers, Travis Fine Add to Watchlist 27. Curse of Chucky(2013 Video) -/10 Chucky the killer doll returns to terrorize a family funeral. Director: Don Mancini Stars: Brad Dourif, Danielle Bisutti, Fiona Dourif, A Martinez Add to Watchlist 28. This title is no longer available 29. Puppet Master II(1991 Video) 5.0/10 The puppets return, this time they hunt some Paranormal Researchers to take their brain fluid for the dead/living puppet master, Andre Toulon. (88 mins.) Director: David Allen Stars: Elizabeth Maclellan, Collin Bernsen, Steve Welles, Greg Webb Add to Watchlist 30. The Simpsons(1989 TV Series) Episode: Treehouse of Horror III (1992) 8.6/10 In "Clown Without Pity", a Krusty the Clown doll goes berserk in the Simpson home. In "King Homer", Marge is wooed by a giant ape... (22 mins.) Stars: Dan Castellaneta, Nancy Cartwright, Julie Kavner, Yeardley Smith Add to Watchlist “ In "Clown Without Pity", a Krusty the Clown doll goes berserk in the Simpson home. ” - wortkunst 31. Twilight Zone(1959 TV Series) Episode: The Dummy (1962) 7.7/10 Ventriloquist Jerry Etherson is convinced that his dummy, Willie, is alive and evil. He locks Willie in a trunk and makes plans for a new act with a new dummy. Too bad he didn't clear those plans with Willie first. (51 mins.) Stars: Rod Serling, Robert McCord, Jay Overholts, Vaughn Taylor Add to Watchlist 32. Tales from the Crypt(1989 TV Series) Episode: Strung Along (1992) 7.2/10 An aging puppeteer suspects his much younger wife has a lover. (25 mins.) Stars: John Kassir, Roy Brocksmith, Miguel Ferrer, Cam Clarke Add to Watchlist 33. Goosebumps(1995 TV Series) Episode: Night of the Living Dummy III: Part 1 (1997) 7.7/10 A collection of children's horror stories by R.L. Stine. (30 mins.) Director: Randy Bradshaw, Craig Pryce Stars: R.L. Stine, Kathryn Short, Cody Jones, Scott Wickware Add to Watchlist 34. Goosebumps(1995 TV Series) Episode: Night of the Living Dummy III: Part 2 (1997) 7.6/10 A collection of children's horror stories by R.L. Stine. (30 mins.) Director: Randy Bradshaw, Craig Pryce Stars: R.L. Stine, Kathryn Short, Cody Jones, Scott Wickware Add to Watchlist 35. Puppet Master 4(1993 Video) 4.8/10 A young scientist working on an artificial intelligence project is the target of strange gremlin-like creatures... (79 mins.) Director: Jeff Burr Stars: Gordon Currie, Chandra West, Ash Adams, Teresa Hill Add to Watchlist 36. Puppet Master 5: The Final Chapter(1994 Video) 4.6/10 The puppets battle their most powerful enemy yet as they protect the new puppet master from the demon God that created the Secret of Life. (82 mins.) Director: Jeff Burr Stars: Gordon Currie, Chandra West, Ian Ogilvy, Teresa Hill Add to Watchlist 37. Pinocchio's Revenge(1996) 3.9/10 Defense attorney Jennifer Garrick acquires a Pinocchio puppet from a condemned serial killer. Her pre-teen daughter... (96 mins.) Director: Kevin Tenney Stars: Candace McKenzie, Lewis Van Bergen, Ivan Gueron, Thomas Wagner Add to Watchlist 38. Retro Puppet Master(1999 Video) 3.7/10 It's 1892 and Sutekh is hopping mad. It seems a 3,000 year old Egyptian sorcerer has stolen one of the God's secrets of life... (80 mins.) Director: Joseph Tennent Stars: Greg Sestero, Brigitta Dau, Stephen Blackehart, Jack Donner Add to Watchlist 39. Puppet Master vs Demonic Toys(2004 TV Movie) 3.6/10 A group of toymakers seek to use Andre Toulon's formula, now in the hands of Toulon's great-nephew Robert, to give life to a line of killer toys that they plan to unleash on Christmas Eve. (88 mins.) Director: Ted Nicolaou Stars: Corey Feldman, Vanessa Angel, Danielle Keaton, Silvia Suvadová Add to Watchlist 40. Curse of the Puppet Master(1998 Video) 3.6/10 A scientist attempts to master the art of transferring people's souls into puppets. (90 mins.) Director: Victoria Sloan Stars: George Peck, Emily Harrison, Josh Green, Michael Guerin Add to Watchlist 41. Blood Dolls(1999) 3.3/10 Virgil, an eccentric freak billionaire, spends his days being a "biological inventor." The "blood dolls," his newest creation, aid him in getting revenge on those who betrayed him. (84 mins.) Director: Charles Band Stars: Jack Maturin, Debra Mayer, William Paul Burns, Warren Draper Add to Watchlist 42. Puppet Master: The Legacy(2003 Video) 3.4/10 Peter Hertz tells a woman the past stories about the puppets, but she secretly wants to kill them. (80 mins.) Director: Robert Talbot Stars: Jacob Witkin, Kate Orsini, Ian Abercrombie, Sage Allen Add to Watchlist 43. Goosebumps(1995 TV Series) Episode: Bride of the Living Dummy (1998) 7.8/10 Slappy wants his bride, Mary-Ellen. (30 mins.) Director: Randy Bradshaw, Craig Pryce Stars: R.L. Stine, Kathryn Short, Cody Jones, Scott Wickware Add to Watchlist 44. R.L. Stine's The Haunting Hour(2010 TV Series) Episode: Really You: Part 1 (2010) 8.2/10 When a young girl's new doll takes on a mysterious new identity, her brother is forced to find out what is going on and to save his sister from the terrifying new reality. Stars: Dan Payne, Jeny Cassady, Emma Grabinsky, Paul Herbert Add to Watchlist 45. Rod Serling's Night Gallery(1969 TV Series) Episode: Pamela's Voice/Lone Survivor/The Doll (1971) 7.5/10 Jonathan kills his wife Pamela to silence her shrill voice, then argues with her at her funeral./A ship saves a man in a lifeboat labeled "Titanic" years after the liner sank./ British Army Colonel Masters fights his niece's evil doll. (50 mins.) Director: Boris Sagal, Barry Shear Stars: Rod Serling, Larry Watson, Joanna Pettet, Matt Pelto Add to Watchlist 46. The X-Files(1993 TV Series) Episode: Chinga (1998) 7.6/10 While on a weekend off in the small New England town of Ammab Beach, Scully comes across a grocery store... (45 mins.) Stars: David Duchovny, Gillian Anderson, Mitch Pileggi, Robert Patrick Add to Watchlist 47. Twilight Zone(1959 TV Series) Episode: Caesar and Me (1964) 6.5/10 When ventriloquist Jonathan West can not find any work his dummy Caesar suggests he turn to robbery. (51 mins.) Stars: Rod Serling, Robert McCord, Jay Overholts, Vaughn Taylor Add to Watchlist 48. Black Devil Doll from Hell(1984 Video) 3.1/10 A woman buys a doll at a magic shop. Unbeknownst to her, the doll is possessed by an evil spirit, and it proceeds to take her over. (70 mins.) Director: Chester Novell Turner Stars: Shirley L. Jones, Gladys Ames, Bernard Brown, Jacqueline Coats Add to Watchlist 49. Amityville: Dollhouse(1996 Video) 3.8/10 A children's doll house, which is a miniature of the infamous haunted Long Island house, is given to a young girl where the demonic evil soon comes out to cause more terror. (93 mins.) Director: Steve White Stars: Robin Thomas, Starr Andreeff, Allen Cutler, Rachel Duncan Add to Watchlist 50. Silent Night, Deadly Night 5: The Toy Maker(1991 Video) 3.7/10 An old toy maker and his son make killer toys designed to kill their owners, kids. (90 mins.) Director: Martin Kitrosser Stars: William Thorne, Jane Higginson, Van Quattro, Tracy Fraim Add to Watchlist 51. Doctor Who(2005 TV Series) Episode: Night Terrors (2011) 7.0/10 A young boy living in a tower block on a council estate sends out, unknowingly, a psychic distress call transmitted to the Doctor's 'psychic paper'... (71 mins.) Stars: Matt Smith, David Tennant, Jenna Coleman, Karen Gillan Add to Watchlist 52. Dollman vs. Demonic Toys(1993 Video) 3.9/10 Judith Grey teams with Brick Bardo (Dollman) and his girlfriend Ginger to face the evil Demonic Toys for one final battle. (64 mins.) Director: Charles Band Stars: Tim Thomerson, Melissa Behr, R.C. Bates, Phil Brock Add to Watchlist 53. Demonic Toys: Personal Demons(2010 Video) 3.6/10 A group of people on a world wide search for oddities find themselves trapped in a nine hundred year old Italian castle when they accident unleash the Demonic Toys. (90 mins.) Director: William Butler Stars: Selene Luna, Michael Citriniti, Alli Kinzel, Lane Compton Add to Watchlist 54. Gingerdead Man 2: Passion of the Crust(2008) 4.3/10 The horrifying yet delicious and chewy Gingerdead Man causes murder and mayhem on the set of a horrible low budget movie set... (82 mins.) Director: Silvia St. Croix Stars: Michelle Bauer, Pieter Christian Colson, Michael Deak, Bruce Dent Add to Watchlist 55. The Gingerdead Man(2005) 3.4/10 An evil yet adorable Gingerbread man comes to life with the soul of a convicted killer - this real life cookie monster wreaks havoc on the girl who sent the killer to the electric chair. (70 mins.) Director: Charles Band Stars: Gary Busey, Robin Sydney, Ryan Locke, Larry Cedar Add to Watchlist 56. The Nightmare Before Christmas(1993) 8.0/10 Jack Skellington, king of Halloweentown, discovers Christmas Town, but doesn't quite understand the concept. (76 mins.) Director: Henry Selick Stars: Danny Elfman, Chris Sarandon, Catherine O'Hara, William Hickey Add to Watchlist “ Not scary per se; but Sally qualifies as proto-evil doll nevertheless. ” - wortkunst 57. Coraline(2009) 7.7/10 An adventurous girl finds another world that is a strangely idealized version of her frustrating home, but it has sinister secrets. (100 mins.) Director: Henry Selick Stars: Dakota Fanning, Teri Hatcher, John Hodgman, Jennifer Saunders Add to Watchlist 58. Living Dolls(1980 Short Film) 7.8/10 Melvin is a henpecked worker in a Bridal shop. To get way from the nagging women, he retreats to a storage... (9 mins.) Director: Todd Coleman Stars: Park Dougherty, Judith Vane, Rhett Halverson, Patsy Hicken Add to Watchlist 59. May(2002) 6.7/10 Psychological horror about a lonely young woman traumatized by a difficult childhood, and her increasingly desperate attempts to connect with the people around her. (93 mins.) Director: Lucky McKee Stars: Angela Bettis, Jeremy Sisto, Anna Faris, James Duval Add to Watchlist “ About a woman who makes other people her dolls. Same goes in a way for "The Cell". ” - wortkunst 60. Air Doll(2009) 6.9/10 A life-size blow-up doll develops a soul and falls in love with a video store clerk. (125 mins.) Director: Hirokazu Koreeda Stars: Doona Bae, Arata Iura, Itsuji Itao, Jô Odagiri Add to Watchlist “ Not scary. It's a sex doll. ” - wortkunst 61. Poltergeist(1982) 7.4/10 A family's home is haunted by a host of ghosts. (114 mins.) Director: Tobe Hooper Stars: JoBeth Williams, Heather O'Rourke, Craig T. Nelson, Beatrice Straight Add to Watchlist “ Doll has just a short appearance. ” - wortkunst 62. Halloween III: Season of the Witch(1982) 4.2/10 A large Halloween mask-making company has plans to kill millions of American children with something sinister hidden in Halloween masks. (98 mins.) Director: Tommy Lee Wallace Stars: Tom Atkins, Stacey Nelkin, Dan O'Herlihy, Michael Currie Add to Watchlist 63. Trilogy of Terror II(1996 TV Movie) 5.4/10 Three tales of terror: in "The Graveyard Rats" lovers murder the woman's older husband and encounter... (90 mins.) Director: Dan Curtis Stars: Lysette Anthony, Geraint Wyn Davies, Matt Clark, Geoffrey Lewis Add to Watchlist 64. The Devil's Gift(1984) 1.9/10 An evil demon that inhabits a monkey doll takes over the mind of a suburban housewife to carry out its plans. (90 mins.) Director: Kenneth J. Berton Stars: Bob Mendelsohn, Vicki Saputo, Struan Robertson, Bruce Parry Add to Watchlist 65. House of Evil(1968) 3.6/10 Relatives of a recently deceased man meet at his eerie castle for a reading of the will. They encounter a sinister piano player who turns out to be a toy maker, and his toys are imbued with murderous intentions. (89 mins.) Director: Jack Hill, Juan Ibáñez Stars: Boris Karloff, Julissa, Andrés García, José Ángel Espinosa 'Ferrusquilla' Add to Watchlist 66. Small Soldiers(1998) 6.0/10 When missile technology is used to enhance toy action figures, the toys soon begin to take their battle programming too seriously. (108 mins.) Director: Joe Dante Stars: Kirsten Dunst, Gregory Smith, David Cross, Jay Mohr Add to Watchlist “ Not scary, but necessary. ” - wortkunst 67. Marronnier(2004) 5.5/10 (79 mins.) Director: Akira Kobayashi Stars: Yuriko Anjho, Miyako Cojima, Mizuki Hikaru, Hime Add to Watchlist 68. Ragdoll(1999) 3.8/10 A teenaged rapper uses his Gran's magic powders to help him in his revenge against those who put her in the hospital. (90 mins.) Director: Ted Nicolaou Stars: Russell Richardson, Jennia Fredrique, Tarnell Poindexter, William Stanford Davis Add to Watchlist 69. Waxwork(1988) 6.0/10 A wax museum owner uses his horror exhibits to unleash evil on the world. (95 mins.) Director: Anthony Hickox Stars: Zach Galligan, Deborah Foreman, Jennifer Bassey, Joe Baker Add to Watchlist 70. Dangerous Worry Dolls(2008 Video) 3.8/10 (75 mins.) Director: Charles Band Stars: Jessica Morris, Meredith McClain, Paul Boukadakis, Rebekah Crane Add to Watchlist 71. The Devil-Doll(1936) 7.0/10 An escaped Devil's Island convict uses miniaturized humans to wreak vengeance on those that framed him. (78 mins.) Stars: Lionel Barrymore, Maureen O'Sullivan, Frank Lawton, Rafaela Ottiano Add to Watchlist 72. When Puppets and Dolls Attack!(2004 Video) 4.9/10 A compilation of classic kills, mayhem, mischief and terror from Full Moon's puppets and dolls. Director: Solomon Glitz Stars: Ian Abercrombie Add to Watchlist 73. Puppet Master III: Toulon's Revenge(1991 Video) 5.6/10 Set in Berlin during WWII, the Nazi regime is attempting to develop a drug that will animate the dead... (86 mins.) Director: David DeCoteau Stars: Guy Rolfe, Richard Lynch, Ian Abercrombie, Kristopher Logan Add to Watchlist 74. Puppet Master: Axis of Evil(2010 Video) 4.4/10 In a Stateside hotel during the height of World War II, young Danny Coogan dreams of joining the war effort... (83 mins.) Director: David DeCoteau Stars: Jenna Gallaher, Taylor M. Graham, Tom Sandoval, Jerry Hoffman Add to Watchlist 75. Night at the Museum(2006) 6.3/10 A newly recruited night security guard at the Museum of Natural History discovers that an ancient curse causes the animals and exhibits on display to come to life and wreak havoc. (108 mins.) Director: Shawn Levy Stars: Ben Stiller, Carla Gugino, Ricky Gervais, Dick Van Dyke Add to Watchlist “ Not scary, but necessary. ” - wortkunst 76. Night at the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian(2009) 5.8/10 Security guard Larry Daley infiltrates the Smithsonian Institution in order to rescue Jedediah and Octavius, who have been shipped to the museum by mistake. (105 mins.) Director: Shawn Levy Stars: Ben Stiller, Owen Wilson, Amy Adams, Hank Azaria Add to Watchlist “ Not scary, but necessary. ” - wortkunst 77. The Simpsons(1989 TV Series) Episode: Krusty Gets Kancelled (1993) 8.2/10 A massive advertising blitz announces the arrival of something named "Gabbo." Eventually, Gabbo is revealed to be a Howdy Doddy-esque dummy, with Arthur Crandall as the ventriloquist. (22 mins.) Stars: Dan Castellaneta, Nancy Cartwright, Julie Kavner, Yeardley Smith Add to Watchlist 78. The Great Gabbo(1929) 6.2/10 An insanely, egocentric ventriloquist, even though he is possessed by his wooden dummy, is in love with a dancer who is in love with another. The dummy gives advice to the ventriloquist. (92 mins.) Director: James Cruze Stars: Erich von Stroheim, Donald Douglas, Betty Compson, Marjorie Kane Add to Watchlist 79. Alfred Hitchcock Presents(1955 TV Series) Episode: The Waxwork (1959) 7.4/10 A writer must spend a night in a wax museum's murderer's gallery, to make good a gambling debt knowingly paid with a bad check to a testy Englishman... (25 mins.) Stars: Alfred Hitchcock, Harry Tyler, John Williams, Patricia Hitchcock Add to Watchlist 80. Twilight Zone(1959 TV Series) Episode: The New Exhibit (1963) 7.9/10 A wax-museum employee fights to preserve five figures of famous murderers. (51 mins.) Stars: Rod Serling, Robert McCord, Jay Overholts, Vaughn Taylor Add to Watchlist 81. The Dummy(2000 Video) 2.5/10 A ventriloquist's dummy with a mind of it's own can't resist it's homicidal impulses and cuts a bloody swath through a peaceful suburb. (90 mins.) Director: Keith Singleton Stars: Keith Singleton, Irina Björklund, Jocelyne Lopez, Alexis Weimer Add to Watchlist 82. The Twilight Zone(2002 TV Series) Episode: The Collection (2003) 6.9/10 A babysitter and the young girl she is taking care of are terrorized by the child's seemingly harmless collection of dolls. (43 mins.) Director: Paul Shapiro Stars: Forest Whitaker, Jeremy Piven, Olivia d'Abo, Vincent Laresca Add to Watchlist 83. The Puppetmaster(1993) 7.0/10 In the first half of this century, young Li Tienlu joines a travelling puppet theatre and subsequently... (142 mins.) Director: Hsiao-hsien Hou Stars: Tianlu Li, Giong Lim, Ming Hwa Bai, Fue Choung Cheng Add to Watchlist 84. Deep Red(1975) 7.6/10 A musician witnesses the murder of a famous psychic, and then teams up with a fiesty reporter to find the killer while evading attempts on their lives by the unseen killer bent on keeping a dark secret buried. (126 mins.) Director: Dario Argento Stars: David Hemmings, Daria Nicolodi, Gabriele Lavia, Macha Méril Add to Watchlist 85. Doctor Who(2005 TV Series) Episode: Rose (2005) 7.4/10 Rose Tyler is just an ordinary shop worker living an ordinary life in 21st century Britain. But that life is turned upside down when a strange man calling himself The Doctor drags her into an alien invasion attempt! (71 mins.) Stars: Matt Smith, David Tennant, Jenna Coleman, Karen Gillan Add to Watchlist