Children of Japan

Children of Japan
Courtesy, R. John Wright

Hinges and Hearts

Hinges and Hearts
An Exhibit of our Metal Dolls

Tuxedo and Bangles

Tuxedo and Bangles

A History of Metal Dolls

A History of Metal Dolls
Now on and In Print! The First Book of its Kind

Alice, Commemorative Edition

Alice, Commemorative Edition
Courtesy, R. John Wright


Emma, aka, La Contessa Bathory

Emma, aka, La Contessa Bathory
Her Grace wishes us all a Merry Christmas!



Emma Emmeline

Emma Emmeline
Our New Addition/fond of stuffed toys

Cloth Clown

Cloth Clown

Native American Art

Native American Art

the triplets

the triplets

c. 1969 Greek Plastic Mini Baby

c. 1969 Greek Plastic Mini Baby
Bought Athens on the street

Iron Maiden; Middle Ages

Iron Maiden; Middle Ages

Sand Baby Swirls!

Sand Baby Swirls!
By Glenda Rolle, courtesy, the Artist

Glenda's Logo

Glenda's Logo
Also, a link to her site

Sand Baby Castaway

Sand Baby Castaway
By Glenda Rolle, Courtesy the Artist

A French Friend

A French Friend


From our friends at The Fennimore Museum

2000+ year old Roman Rag Doll

2000+ year old Roman Rag Doll
British Museum, Child's Tomb

Ancient Egypt Paddle Doll

Ancient Egypt Paddle Doll
Among first "Toys?"


Egyptian Tomb Doll 18th Dynasty

Ann Parker Doll of Anne Boleyn

Ann Parker Doll of Anne Boleyn

Popular Posts

Tin Head Brother and Sister, a Recent Purchase

Tin Head Brother and Sister, a Recent Purchase
Courtesy, Antique Daughter

Judge Peep

Judge Peep

Hakata Doll Artist at Work

Hakata Doll Artist at Work
From the Museum Collection

Japanese Costume Barbies

Japanese Costume Barbies
Samurai Ken


A Little Girl

Happy Heart Day

Happy Heart Day

From "Dolls"

From "Dolls"
A Favorite Doll Book

Popular Posts

Jenny Wren

Jenny Wren
Ultimate Doll Restorer

Our Friends at The Fennimore Doll and Toy Museum

Our Friends at The Fennimore Doll and Toy Museum

Baby Boo 1960s

Baby Boo 1960s
Reclaimed and Restored as a childhood Sabrina the Witch with Meow Meow

Dr. E's on Display with sign

Dr. E's on Display with sign

Dolls Restored ad New to the Museum

Dolls Restored ad New to the Museum
L to R: K*R /celluloid head, all bisque Artist Googly, 14 in. vinyl inuit sixties, early celluloid Skookum type.

Two More Rescued Dolls

Two More Rescued Dolls
Late Sixties Vinyl: L to R: Probably Horseman, all vinyl, jointed. New wig. R: Effanbee, probably Muffy, mid sixties. New wig and new clothing on both. About 12 inches high.

Restored Italian Baby Doll

Restored Italian Baby Doll
One of Dr. E's Rescued Residents

Dolls on Display

Dolls on Display
L to R: Nutcrackers, Danish Troll, HItty and her book, Patent Washable, Mechanical Minstrel, Creche figure, M. Alexander Swiss. Center is a German mechanical bear on the piano. Background is a bisque German costume doll.

A Few Friends

A Few Friends
These dolls are Old German and Nutcrackers from Dr. E's Museum. They are on loan to another local museum for the holidays.

Vintage Collage

Vintage Collage
Public Domain Art

The Merry Wanderer

The Merry Wanderer
Courtesy R. John Wright, The Hummel Collection

The Fennimore Doll Museum

The Fennimore Doll Museum


A Haunted Doll with a Story

Halloween Dolls Displayed in a Local Library

Halloween Dolls Displayed in a Local Library

The Cody Jumeau

The Cody Jumeau
Long-faced or Jumeau Triste

German Princesses

German Princesses
GAHC 2005

A Little PowerRanger

A Little PowerRanger
Halloween 2004

The Island of the Dolls

The Island of the Dolls
Shrine to Dolls in Mexico

Based on the Nutshell Series of Death

Based on the Nutshell Series of Death
Doll House murder

Popular Posts

Total Pageviews


A lovely dress

A lovely dress

Raggedy Ann

Raggedy Ann
A few friends in cloth!

Fennimore Doll and Toy Museum, WI

Fennimore Doll and Toy Museum, WI
Pixar Animator's Collection

Little PM sisters

Little PM sisters
Recent eBay finds

Dressed Mexican Fleas

Dressed Mexican Fleas

Really old Dolls!

Really old Dolls!

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Tonner Holiday Dolls

It is time to beging assessing new dolls and related items debuting for the holidays. Here is part of the Tonner selection: 2013 Fall Holiday Preview - Details Inside! From: Tonner Doll Company To: etsag1998 Date: Wed, Aug 28, 2013 9:02 am Having trouble viewing this email? Click here tonner logo white text [] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Introducing the 2013 Fall Holiday Preview! Here's a tasty slice of what's to come for the Fall Holiday Release, coming at you in Mid September (date TBA). Ship dates are noted, and you can order some things RIGHT NOW! FREE SHIPPING for 7 days only - Use promo code NUDOLLS1 *International Friends, email your order number to for a $9.95 shipping credit. Happy shopping! [] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Peachy Keen Patsy [] Peachy Keen Patsy [] Peachy Keen Patsy®

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Doll Museum: Dolls for Boys and Nearly 20,000 Viewers!

Doll Museum: Dolls for Boys and Nearly 20,000 Viewers!: It hit me that I hadn't been on for a while; just too much happening, and Emma's death affected us all badly. I am excited to be ne...

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Irena Sendler

On Behalf of The Holocaust Education Committee, to which I belong, here is some basic information, a flier really, with Judy Winnick playing Irena Sendler, Angel of the Warsaw Ghetto. Our Teachers Institute is October 3d this year. Watch for more information soon.

Friday, August 9, 2013

Rip for the Man Behind Bunny Rabbit, Mr. Moose, and Dancing Bear of Captain Kangaroo Fame

If you love The Captain, and puppets, read below from Yahoo: By Scott Collins August 7, 2013, 3:38 p.m. Boomers, say goodbye to another piece of childhood: The man who created Dancing Bear on "Captain Kangaroo" has died. Cosmo Allegretti, a set painter who became a puppeteer and voice artist on the children's TV classic, died of emphysema at age 86 on July 26 according to UPI, although the death wasn't widely reported until Wednesday. Allegretti became a performer by accident, after producers were unhappy with a puppet created for the show and Allegretti offered to design a substitute. PHOTOS: Notable deaths of 2013 In addition to Dancing Bear -- who was game to dance but nevertheless uncertain what to make of the music playing around him -- Allegretti voiced many characters such as Mr. Moose and Grandfather Clock. "Captain Kangaroo" aired on CBS from 1955 to 1984, with Bob Keeshan as the host and title character and Hugh Brannum as his friend Mr. Green Jeans. Keeshan died in 2004, Brannum in 1987. Kevin Clash -- who later found fame and controversy as the puppeteer behind Elmo -- also worked on the show during the 1980s. Allegretti was briefly married during the 1950s to Carol Lawrence, a Broadway actress who went on to appear on TV series such as "Saved by the Bell" and "Sex and the City." Which was your favorite Allegretti character?

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Doll Marks

Link to a great site from a friend on Facebook: This is a great reference site!

Monday, August 5, 2013

Doll Museum: Modern Dolls; The 20th century

Doll Museum: Modern Dolls; The 20th century: I recommend a tour of the National Museum of play online collections, which is set up by century and type, and Johanna Gast Anderton's...

Doll Museum: Dr. E's Doll Museum Blog: Dr. Who's Queen Anne Dol...

Doll Museum: Dr. E's Doll Museum Blog: Dr. Who's Queen Anne Dol...: Dr. E's Doll Museum Blog: Dr. Who's Queen Anne Doll : Tonight's Dr. Who features doll monsters that turn people into dolls that ...

How-To Books, Pioneer Crafts, and Folk Dolls-from my 49 Tips on Living Green

Another Monday,and the rain beats down on our roof as though it would break right through and drown us all. Below are two more of the original tips. When time was my own, I loved browsing how-to books. I found many self-help books interesting, even if they couldn't help me. Dr. Laura's were always the most fun, and there was one about business called When Smart People Fail that gave anyone looking for a job a lot of insight. I love our local botanical center for many reasons, but one is that they have a great library, displayed in a comfortable setting. The books are all on plants and gardening, and are lovely in their own right. What a great place to research this topic, all in one place, where you can sit in style and take notes. I learned a lot about pioneer crafts by making dolls. G. Stanley Hall's 1897 classic A Study of Dolls gives lots of insight into pioneer and urban crafts, and into the creativity of children. Innovative children he studied made dolls out of all types of found objects, including old shoes, rags, and even meat! Corncob and corn husk crafts have origins in Native American and European culture, cf my post on Corn Dollies. Wendy Lavitt's American Folk Dolls is another good source. 7.Invest in a good library on how to books and books on going green; don’t over look free government publications and consumer reports. Many books and magazines on these subjects can also be found at library sales, and library cafes, where they cost as little as a dime. You can also recycle your old magazines by bringing back the ones you have read and do not need any more. 8. As a family hobby, review pioneer crafts including soap making and butter making. Try making jam or jelly and using canning jars. If you are lucky and have your mother’s or grandmothers’ glass fridge containers nad storage boxes, check to see if they are lead free and use them. Martha Stewart's book have great ideas, as do Laura Ingalls Wilder's Little House Books. Local museums and national parts have kits and publications on this topic as well. The Scouts for both genders have plenty of tips for crafts and how-two projects in their manuals and various brochures on earning badges. Joining Scouts or any similar organization is still the best way to learn self reliant crafts and folk arts.

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Dr. Who's Queen Anne Doll

Tonight's Dr. Who features doll monsters that turn people into dolls that look like them. The dolls have faces like Queen Anne Wooden dolls. Who knew? There are other creepy toys involved in this episode. I always thought Queen Anne's and their Georgian sisters looked a little cross, but scary? I don't think os. So, the giant dolls are now chasing the DR. and his latest friends. Doll Collectding just is not what it used to be.