Children of Japan

Children of Japan
Courtesy, R. John Wright

Hinges and Hearts

Hinges and Hearts
An Exhibit of our Metal Dolls

Tuxedo and Bangles

Tuxedo and Bangles

A History of Metal Dolls

A History of Metal Dolls
Now on and In Print! The First Book of its Kind

Alice, Commemorative Edition

Alice, Commemorative Edition
Courtesy, R. John Wright


Emma, aka, La Contessa Bathory

Emma, aka, La Contessa Bathory
Her Grace wishes us all a Merry Christmas!



Emma Emmeline

Emma Emmeline
Our New Addition/fond of stuffed toys

Cloth Clown

Cloth Clown

Native American Art

Native American Art

the triplets

the triplets

c. 1969 Greek Plastic Mini Baby

c. 1969 Greek Plastic Mini Baby
Bought Athens on the street

Iron Maiden; Middle Ages

Iron Maiden; Middle Ages

Sand Baby Swirls!

Sand Baby Swirls!
By Glenda Rolle, courtesy, the Artist

Glenda's Logo

Glenda's Logo
Also, a link to her site

Sand Baby Castaway

Sand Baby Castaway
By Glenda Rolle, Courtesy the Artist

A French Friend

A French Friend


From our friends at The Fennimore Museum

2000+ year old Roman Rag Doll

2000+ year old Roman Rag Doll
British Museum, Child's Tomb

Ancient Egypt Paddle Doll

Ancient Egypt Paddle Doll
Among first "Toys?"


Egyptian Tomb Doll 18th Dynasty

Ann Parker Doll of Anne Boleyn

Ann Parker Doll of Anne Boleyn

Popular Posts

Tin Head Brother and Sister, a Recent Purchase

Tin Head Brother and Sister, a Recent Purchase
Courtesy, Antique Daughter

Judge Peep

Judge Peep

Hakata Doll Artist at Work

Hakata Doll Artist at Work
From the Museum Collection

Japanese Costume Barbies

Japanese Costume Barbies
Samurai Ken


A Little Girl

Happy Heart Day

Happy Heart Day

From "Dolls"

From "Dolls"
A Favorite Doll Book

Popular Posts

Jenny Wren

Jenny Wren
Ultimate Doll Restorer

Our Friends at The Fennimore Doll and Toy Museum

Our Friends at The Fennimore Doll and Toy Museum

Baby Boo 1960s

Baby Boo 1960s
Reclaimed and Restored as a childhood Sabrina the Witch with Meow Meow

Dr. E's on Display with sign

Dr. E's on Display with sign

Dolls Restored ad New to the Museum

Dolls Restored ad New to the Museum
L to R: K*R /celluloid head, all bisque Artist Googly, 14 in. vinyl inuit sixties, early celluloid Skookum type.

Two More Rescued Dolls

Two More Rescued Dolls
Late Sixties Vinyl: L to R: Probably Horseman, all vinyl, jointed. New wig. R: Effanbee, probably Muffy, mid sixties. New wig and new clothing on both. About 12 inches high.

Restored Italian Baby Doll

Restored Italian Baby Doll
One of Dr. E's Rescued Residents

Dolls on Display

Dolls on Display
L to R: Nutcrackers, Danish Troll, HItty and her book, Patent Washable, Mechanical Minstrel, Creche figure, M. Alexander Swiss. Center is a German mechanical bear on the piano. Background is a bisque German costume doll.

A Few Friends

A Few Friends
These dolls are Old German and Nutcrackers from Dr. E's Museum. They are on loan to another local museum for the holidays.

Vintage Collage

Vintage Collage
Public Domain Art

The Merry Wanderer

The Merry Wanderer
Courtesy R. John Wright, The Hummel Collection

The Fennimore Doll Museum

The Fennimore Doll Museum


A Haunted Doll with a Story

Halloween Dolls Displayed in a Local Library

Halloween Dolls Displayed in a Local Library

The Cody Jumeau

The Cody Jumeau
Long-faced or Jumeau Triste

German Princesses

German Princesses
GAHC 2005

A Little PowerRanger

A Little PowerRanger
Halloween 2004

The Island of the Dolls

The Island of the Dolls
Shrine to Dolls in Mexico

Based on the Nutshell Series of Death

Based on the Nutshell Series of Death
Doll House murder

Popular Posts

Total Pageviews


A lovely dress

A lovely dress

Raggedy Ann

Raggedy Ann
A few friends in cloth!

Fennimore Doll and Toy Museum, WI

Fennimore Doll and Toy Museum, WI
Pixar Animator's Collection

Little PM sisters

Little PM sisters
Recent eBay finds

Dressed Mexican Fleas

Dressed Mexican Fleas

Really old Dolls!

Really old Dolls!

Thursday, May 31, 2018

Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Why We Need Dolls In Our Lives - Ruby Lane Blog

Why We Need Dolls In Our Lives - Ruby Lane Blog: Why We Need Dolls In Our Lives:  No culture has been without dolls. In some societies, the doll figures that remain seem to be more idol or ritual figures, but the same cultures refer to dolls as children’s toys.  They might be very simple compared to their idols or decorative figures, maybe a decorated twig... Read more »

Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Sunday, May 20, 2018

What is writing?

What is writing?


Now that I’ve forsaken all else to write fulltime, I’ve actually had time to think about what I’m doing. 


In some ways, you are a writer, or you are not. You also have to love books and reading. You have to want to possess books, too.  You need to hold them, look at them.


Your biography becomes the sum of the volumes arranged on your book shelves.


You need to write down your ideas or they’re gone.  You learn to write on anything handy.  I wrote the first draft of this post in the blank pages located in the back of Larry McMurtry’s Books. My dissertation director wrote on envelope and scraps of paper.  These she arranged carefully and stored in larger envelopes, labeled and dated.  I did the same thing with PostIt notes, some inadvertently left in books in libraries all over the country.  I secretly hope someone will see them and add their own PostIts to the dialog.


Writing preserves one’s sanity.  Our characters are the voices in our heads; Playwrights, novelists, short story writers, poets, and lyricists have to entrap their characters on paper, or go mad.


If writing is madness, then I’ve been so all my life.  I’ve written and made up stories since I was a toddler, but in college, it hit me. I was a writer.  I to go beyond carefully crated papers, done in Spanish and English for grades.


It was in college that I started to love research too, and compiling bibliographies. Yet, there were books and stories beyond the assignments. If followed them, as I would tell my students to do later, and I amassed a large personal library, encouraged by my mother, who never threw away book.


I soon wrote in different genres, exploring different authors, types of writing, just a I played different kinds of music on the piano. 


Then, I came to love the tools of writing: paper, notebooks, pens, pencils, all kids of writing supplies, even writing technology. I don’t see my self stopping.


We either write for craft, proofreading ads or writing for work, or for art, as  writers who want to be read, but whose goal is to write, not to publish for big money.







Toys R Us Finds

With Younkers Dept Store also going out of business, FAO Schwarz will be no more it seems.
I don't know the fate of Carson Pirie Scott or Elder Bierman and Bergner's, part of the Younkers family; perhaps they carry FAO, but who knows?

Below are some of the things I have found at Toys R Us.  Apparently, MGM's attempts to save the stores and brands is not working.  If you go, don't expect huge savings; many of the sales are typical and thing they put on sale anyway.  But, there is 30% off most things, and I would stick with Toys R Us brands like the You and Me babies; they won't be around.  Also, look for store specials like some of the sets available, and some of the Disney dolls.

I hate to see this happening; it's like seeing my childhood and my family die all over again. 

You and Me Baby in smallest, c. 6 in. size.  A Toys R Us Brand
Skylander, right, only $.99.  Part of the selection from Toys R Us

Sunday, May 13, 2018

Rendezvous and Ten2Go at Theriault's, The Doll Masters

Here are upcoming events where you can "Bring Home a Doll" Thanks to Theriault's for sending me the announcement.  All photos, courtesy of Theriault's.
See Theriault' for more.

Wed; May 16, 2018:
Mid-Century American Dolls - The Fashionable Years-on site, phone, online bid.  Begins 7 pm.

Courtesy, Theriault's

Wed: May 23, 2018:
Antique Dolls and Playthings.  On site, phone, online bid.  Begins 7 pm.

Saturday, June 2, 2018
Marquis: The Shirley Temple Collections of Iva Mae Jones and Janet Mitchell of Florida, June 2, 2018 at the Westin Baltimore Washington Airport, Linthicum, MD

Courtesy, Theriault's

Wed; June 6, 2018:
Antique Dolls and Playthings.  On site, phone, online bid.  Begins 7 pm.

Wed; June 13, 2018:
Antique Dolls and Playthings.  On site, phone, online bid.  Begins 7 pm.

Courtesy Theriault's

Wed; June 20, 2018:
Antique Dolls and Playthings.  On site, phone, online bid.  Begins 7 pm.

Wed; June 27, 2018:
Antique Dolls and Playthings.  On site, phone, online bid.  Begins 7 pm.


Monday, May 21, 2018

Ten2Go: May 21, 2018 at The Crowne Plaza (formerly Sheraton), Annapolis, Maryland

Monday, May 7, 2018

Dr. E's Doll Museum Blog: Guest Blog on Motiviatio and Whole Journey; my Fri...

Dr. E's Doll Museum Blog: Guest Blog on Motiviation and Whole Journey; my Fri...: My name is Mary, I’m 26 years old and a Mom and Wife.   I have two boys, ages 6 and 5. Twin girls, about to turn 2   in one month . ...

Guest Blog on Motiviation and Whole Journey; my Friend, Mary

My name is Mary, I’m 26 years old and a Mom and Wife. 

 I have two boys, ages 6 and 5. Twin girls, about to turn 2 in one month. They keep me busy and motivated! I’m married to the a wonderful man, and he too keeps me motivated in whatever I aspire to do.  My children and Husband are my motivation. They are my “Why” and that’s how currently, I am living my best life. 

 My passion is Healthy Living. I have struggled with weight issues most of my entire life. Beginning, at the very young age of 5. So, from that I’m sure you can imagine why my passion and motivation would be focused on Healthy Living. :) 

 I am a Weight Watchers Member and have been since December 2017. I’ve lost 15 pounds on the program. I currently am doing my first Whole 30 journey alongside of tracking with Weight Watchers Freestyle Points. I have to tell you I feel AMAZING! 

 I love creating new recipes by trial and error, as well as following recipes from Pinterest, cookbooks, and my VERY favorite... BLOGS! Most of what you see on my Instagram is created by me, and if I try a new recipe I will tag the person who created it. :) 

 As for motivation, I want to challenge each viewer whether you’re struggling with health, or simply just needing a motivation for the day.. ALWAYS take a few moments out of the day for YOU and that alone can be motivating. My second idea is, find a hobby that’s motivating.  My go to is planning. I’m a planner addict. If I want to get motivated, I simply add or do something in my planner and that motivates me to see it accomplished. :) Thirdly, Exercise. Any type! Even if it’s for 5-10 minutes. It gets the blood flowing, and wakes you up. Again, it IS motivating  

Go and be MOTIVATED! 

Thursday, May 3, 2018

Doll Shows

From Karen at Doll Shows USA:

Kind Reminder & Updates

Please forgive me for sending this out so soon after the newsletter but things happen...
Show Schedule - Updated
Be sure to check that your favorite event is listed on the site If not, let me know and I will look into it. It's never too early to post your events. People sometimes plan vacations and other trips surrounding our events so the sooner the better.

Special Note to Promoters ~ PLEASE be sure to take a few moments to  proof your listing and check the calendar page once you receive notice that it has been posted. I am only human and do make mistakes so I would really appreciate it if you could help me out regarding this. 

Free/Mini Listings are not listed here. C
lick  for a complete listing.
 May 3-4 (Thu-Fri) ~ Dublin CA
  May 5 (Sat) ~ Pleasanton CA
 May 5 (Sat) ~ Maitland FL
  May 5 (Sat) ~ Westampton NJ
  May 5 (Sat) ~ Willoughby OH
  May 5 (Sat) ~ Mt. Juliet-Nashville TN
 May 6 (Sun) ~ Chagrin Falls OH
 May 6 (Sun) ~ Capac MI
 May 6 (Sun) ~ Easton PA
 May 12 (Sat) ~ Anaheim CA
  May 12 (Sat) ~ Batavia NY

  May 18-19 (Fri-Sat) ~ Greenwood IN
  May 18-19 (Fri-Sat) ~ Norfolk VA
 May 19 (Sat) ~ Pasadena CA
 May 19 (Sat) ~ Columbus IN
 May 19 (Sat) ~ Fayetteville NC
  May 19 (Sat) ~ Williamsfield OH
  May 20 (Sun) ~ Madison Heights MI
  May 20 (Sun) ~ Mounds View MN
  May 20 (Sun) ~ Princeton Junction NJ

May 20 (Sun) ~ New Hope PA
 Jun 2 (Sat) ~ Missoula MT
 Jun 3 (Sun) ~ Concord CA
  Jun 3 (Sun) ~ Fullerton CA
  Jun 3 (Sun) ~ Belleville IL
  Jun 3 (Sun) ~ Sturbridge MA
  Jun 9 (Sat) ~ WORLD DOLL DAY
  Jun 9 (Sat) ~ Green Valley AZ
  Jun 9 (Sat) ~ Raleigh-Durham NC
  Jun 10 (Sun) ~ Naperville IL
  Jun 16 (Sat) ~ Milton FL
  Jun 21-24 (Thu-Sun) ~ Kissimmee (Orlando) FL

  Jun 23 (Sat) ~ Puyallup WA
  Jun 24 (Sun) ~ N. Hampton NH
  Jun 28 (Thu) ~ Pacific Grove CA
  Jun 30 (Sat) ~ Pacific Grove CA

World Doll Day - Update
You are invited to participate in the Give a Doll "Give-Away" Event on World Doll Day 2018. Donors - show your support of the day that is all about dolls. Bring attention to your club, business or do it just for fun and the love of dolls.
Donation cut-off is June 6th, 2018.